Sorry, but your titles are trumped by Russ' real world credentials (medical, educational and personal). I would not get into a medical pi.., er, contest with Russ - he outweighs you in every arena.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, Rolando E Creagh, MD FACS asked:
| You are welcome.
| And just remember that you learned the solution from me. It worked
| and you did not even tried. All thanks to eiht27 for his helpful
| comment.
| I will be happy to recommend a psychiatric to give you a change of
| attitude. Been an MVP and non paid volunteer have also the obligation
| of humility, helpfulness, providing the best advice your knowledge
| permit as well as admitting your ignorance if such is the case.
| Rolando E Creagh, MD, AB, FACS, FICS, FRCS.
| You might want to Google the meaning of the titles.
| Cheers
| || I can't tell you how much we appreciate insults like yours. It just
|| delights volunteers who on their own free time try to dissect
|| through vague often indecipherable posts to try to figure out what
|| symptoms the patient might actually be trying to convey. You were a
|| model patient in that regard, despite my requests for more accurate
|| information.
|| Let's see now. By your own admission, "I think our problem might be
|| related to an entirely different area. The Users Accounts. As you, I
|| have multiple email addresses, and all 8 of them were recorded in
|| the 'Manage my network passwords' of my user account. I do not get
|| messages in those." Did you not think that information was relevant?
|| Did you think we could read your mind? Only veterinarians can do
|| that. Yet you blame the doctor for failing to make the diagnosis
|| even though he had none of the relevant information he needed.
|| Sadly, I'm used to that. You should be too. Thank you for
|| "educating" me. --
|| Russ Valentine
|| [MVP-Outlook]
|| ||| I am relived that my paranoia is not unreal but actually justified.
||| Thanks for the return and I agree with you 1000%.
||| Your suggestions awaken some old ideas and I think our problem
||| might be related to an entirely different area. The Users Accounts.
||| First I noticed in my others computers that they were signed up to
||| a .NET passport with my default email address and server and in
||| doing so, they are also signed out to Windows Live. As you, I have
||| multiple email addresses, and all 8 of them were recorded in the
||| "Manage my network passwords" of my user account. I do not get
||| messages in those.
||| So I added mi hotmail account, the default for this laptop, as my
||| NET passport and SO FAR, SO GOOD.
||| You might want to try the same.
||| Hope that others with the same problem might find relieve, even as
||| I am educating unhelpful and uncooperative MVP with close minds. I
||| could have send this just to you, but others with the same problem
||| might not benefit.
||| Cheers.
||| --
||| Rolando E Creagh, MD FACS
||| |||| On Mar 10, 6:52 am, "Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]"
||||| I was just explaining that what support MSN has for Outlook is
||||| totally within their control and has nothing to do with Outlook.
||||| Your post is very
||||| unclear with regards to just what kind of account you have, but
||||| whatever it
||||| is, your issue is with MSN, not Outlook.
||||| --
||||| Russ Valentine
||||| [MVP-Outlook]
||||| message|||||
|||||| If you feel that way, I am sorry.
|||||| The fact is that I have 2GB of storage and yes, I also have the
|||||| connector,
|||||| but I saw no great advantage and even complicating and slowing
|||||| the mail
|||||| delivery. Thus I deleted it. This was the product of a very
|||||| helpful support call, about 6 months ago, for other problem. But
|||||| I was not using
|||||| 2007 yet.
|||||| Having also a premium address, I see little advantage on
|||||| a premium
|||||| hotmail and they did agree with me at that time.
|||||| Sorry I bother you.
|||||| message ||||||| I see nothing here that would qualify you for ongoing support
||||||| from hotmail
||||||| unless you upgraded to a paid premium account and are using the
||||||| connector
||||||| they provide. You need to take this issue up with them. It is
||||||| not an Outlook issue.
||||||| --
||||||| Russ Valentine
||||||| [MVP-Outlook]
||||||| message
||||||| |||||||| Good point.
|||||||| My hotmail account is a legacy one, which I have since the
|||||||| early times
|||||||| of HM in the 1990s. I am also a MSN subscriber. Because of
|||||||| that and since the early days of a fee for hotmail, I was not
|||||||| only exempted of
|||||||| charges, but was given full storage capacity. And yes, it has
|||||||| been always fully supported by Outlook (of any flavor) for the
|||||||| same reason,
|||||||| even under W95.
|||||||| It is configure as an HTTP and to the following server:
|||||||| HOTMAIL
|||||||| SERVER: Out
|||||||| of 11 computers of different OS and Outlook flavors, only the
|||||||| one
|||||||| with 2007 exhibit the behavior, irrespective of the ISP, as I
|||||||| use a different one when I am in Europe.
|||||||| Thanks for your interest,
|||||||| Cheers
|||||||| --
|||||||| Rolando E Creagh, MD FACS
|||||||| message ||||||||| We are not ignorant, as you suggested. My point was that to
||||||||| troubleshoot this further we must know why your hotmail
||||||||| account should
||||||||| be supported by Outlook (e.g., is it a paid premium account?)
||||||||| and if so
||||||||| how you configured it for Outlook 2007.
||||||||| --
||||||||| Russ Valentine
||||||||| [MVP-Outlook]
||||||||| message
||||||||| |||||||||| Thanks for the honest comment. The only observation I have is
|||||||||| that it
|||||||||| does not occur with O2003, OXP or O2K, which I also use in
|||||||||| others computers. Why with O2007?
|||||||||| Cheers.
|||||||||| message
|||||||||| ||||||||||| You are assuming this is an Outlook problem. You have
||||||||||| provided no
||||||||||| evidence to that effect. You are, after all, using Hotmail.
||||||||||| --
||||||||||| Russ Valentine, MD FACC
||||||||||| [MVP-Outlook]
||||||||||| in message
||||||||||| |||||||||||| I guest the experts are ignorant about this problem.
|||||||||||| Cheers
|||||||||||| --
|||||||||||| Rolando E Creagh, MD FACS
|||||||||||| in message||||||||||||| Gentlemen,
||||||||||||| When Outlook 2007 open and mail is downloaded, there is a
||||||||||||| recurrent
||||||||||||| showing
||||||||||||| of a small window of the internet E-Mail for my Hotmail,
||||||||||||| showing
||||||||||||| the server
||||||||||||| and requesting my User Name andPasswordevery time. It
||||||||||||| does not make any
||||||||||||| difference if I check every the "RememberPassword" check
||||||||||||| box. Them
||||||||||||| it keep
||||||||||||| coming back sometimes 2 or 3 times before it gets accepted
||||||||||||| (?). My
||||||||||||| DSL
||||||||||||| connection is good at 6 mB. The OS is XP-SP2 on a new T60p
||||||||||||| Thinkpad.
||||||||||||| The server URL is already entered in the Trusted list. Is
||||||||||||| there
||||||||||||| anything I
||||||||||||| can do to stop this stupid thing?
||||||||||||| Grateful for your advice.
||||||||||||| Cheers.
|||| It is an issue with Outlook 2007 even though the "expert" on here
|||| swears it isn't. I have the same problem on a trial of Outlook
|||| 2007 on Win XP SP2 and it prompts me for password regularly
|||| regardless of account type(pop, imap, http). I have searched for
|||| months since I first tried Outlook 2007 and it did this so I went
|||| back to 2003. I love the interface of 2007 but I can't see paying
|||| money just to(there it went again asking for 10 different
|||| passwords so it is that often through out the day and it interupts
|||| whatever else you're doing)enter passwords into all seperate
|||| accounts. If I wanted to do that I'd check them all through their
|||| individual interfaces instead of one nice all in one spot. Anyway
|||| I don't know how to fix it yet, I've done all the things suggested
|||| for this problem on all other versions of Outlook and none have
|||| fixed it so far. I think it may have something to do with the
|||| fact that 2007 is more or less intended for Vista and from what
|||| I've read it doesn't use the Protected Storage Reg key starting
|||| with "S" that you see in all the other post on MS and they want
|||| you to take permission of and delete. A couple things people say
|||| fixes it for them(not me unfortunately but maybe for you) are to
|||| take permission over that reg key and under advanced make it
|||| inherit parental permissions but don't delete it. That worked for
|||| one guy I came accross. Another guy said when he disabled the
|||| instant search it fixed it for him(do that in the tools trust
|||| center. Anyway it is a problem with Outlook and not your super
|||| oldschool Hotmail account. It does it with my old(one of the
|||| first like yours) and with new ones that I run through hotpop on a
|||| proxy and every pop3 and every imap and has NOTHING to
|||| do with hotmail. Hope one of the fixes I have found help you, as
|||| for me back to Outlook 2k3 again