recurrence pattern - every weekday + redemption

  • Thread starter Thread starter Eddy d'Artois via
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Eddy d'Artois via

I'm using vba to open make an invitation with recurrence pattern. When I'm
trying to set an daily recurrence on weekday's, the value should be 62 as
Sue Mosher told me. But when I run the code, I get an error on the
Can anybody help me to resolve this error ?



Private Sub imgInvitation_Click()
Dim objOL 'As Outlook.Application
Dim objAppt 'As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim MyPattern
Dim SafeApp
Dim rst1 As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim rstRec As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strAttendees As String
Dim strBody, strZaal As String
'we halen alle attendees op
rst1.Open "tblAttendeesTmp", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset,
If rst1.EOF And rst1.BOF Then Exit Sub
Do Until rst1.EOF

If strAttendees = "" Then
strAttendees = rst1!Attendee_Mail
strAttendees = strAttendees & ";" & rst1!Attendee_Mail
End If
Const olAppointmentItem = 1
Const olMeeting = 1

Set objOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set SafeApp = CreateObject("Redemption.SafeAppointmentItem")
Set objAppt = objOL.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)

SafeApp.Item = objAppt

With SafeApp
.Subject = "Meeting Invitation For " & Forms!
.start = Forms!frmAanvraag.txtDatum & " " & Forms!
.End = Forms!frmAanvraag.txtDatum & " " & Forms!
strZaal = DLookup("[Zaal]", "tblZalen", "[ZaalID]= " & Forms!
.Location = strZaal
.MeetingStatus = olMeeting
strBody = "You are invited for the meeting " & Forms!
strBody = strBody & Chr(13) & "Meeting Room: " & strZaal
strBody = strBody & Chr(13) & "Start: " & Format(Forms!frmAanvraag!
cboStartuur, "hh:nn")
strBody = strBody & Chr(13) & "End: " & Format(Forms!frmAanvraag!
cboEinduur, "hh:nn")
If Forms!frmAanvraag!txtRecurrence = "None" Then
strBody = strBody & Chr(13) & "Date: " & rstRec!Startdatum
strBody = strBody & Chr(13) & Forms!frmAanvraag!txtRecurrence
End If
.Body = strBody
.RequiredAttendees = strAttendees
If Forms!frmAanvraag!txtRecurrence <> "None" Then 'indien
recurrence vullen we het pattern in
Set MyPattern = .GetRecurrencePattern
'Hier halen we de info uit de tblRecurrency
rstRec.Open "tblRecurrency", CurrentProject.Connection,
adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic
Select Case rstRec!Pattern
Case Is = 2 'dagelijks
MyPattern.RecurrenceType = olRecursDaily
MyPattern.DayOfWeekMask = 62 '******here I get the
MyPattern.Interval = 1
MyPattern.PatternStartDate = rstRec!Startdatum
MyPattern.PatternEndDate = rstRec!EindDatum
MyPattern.Occurrences = rstRec!AantalRecs

Case Is = 3 'wekelijks
MyPattern.RecurrenceType = 1
MyPattern.Interval = rstRec!Weken
MyPattern.PatternStartDate = rstRec!Startdatum
MyPattern.PatternEndDate = rstRec!EindDatum
MyPattern.Occurrences = rstRec!AantalRecs
Select Case rstRec!weekdag
Case Is = "Monday"
MyPattern.DayOfWeekMask = 2
Case Is = "Tuesday"
MyPattern.DayOfWeekMask = 4
Case Is = "Wednesday"
MyPattern.DayOfWeekMask = 8
Case Is = Thursday
MyPattern.DayOfWeekMask = 16
Case Is = "Friday"
MyPattern.DayOfWeekMask = 32
End Select
Case Is = 4 'maandelijks
MyPattern.RecurrenceType = 3
MyPattern.Interval = 1
MyPattern.PatternStartDate = rstRec!Startdatum
MyPattern.PatternEndDate = rstRec!EindDatum
MyPattern.Occurrences = rstRec!AantalRecs
Select Case rstRec!weekdag
Case Is = "Monday"
MyPattern.DayOfWeekMask = 2
Case Is = "Tuesday"
MyPattern.DayOfWeekMask = 4
Case Is = "Wednesday"
MyPattern.DayOfWeekMask = 8
Case Is = Thursday
MyPattern.DayOfWeekMask = 16
Case Is = "Friday"
MyPattern.DayOfWeekMask = 32
End Select
MyPattern.Instance = fZoveelste(rstRec!EindDatum)
End Select
End If
If SafeApp.Recipients.ResolveAll Then
End If
End With

Set objAppt = Nothing
Set objOL = Nothing

End Sub
I'm using vba to open make an invitation with recurrence pattern.
When I'm trying to set an daily recurrence on weekday's, the value
should be 62 as Sue Mosher told me. But when I run the code, I get an
error on the property.

MyPattern.RecurrenceType = olRecursDaily
MyPattern.DayOfWeekMask = 62 '******here I get

That's because if you want to set DayOfWeekMask, you need to set it to a
weekly recurrence, not a daily one.

-- dan

I don't understand: When I make an appointment (manual - not with code) I
only see the possiblity of "Every Weekday" when I click the option "Daily".
(We have outlook 2000 at the office)in the Appointment recurrence pattern.

The recurrence builder UI doesn't necessarily match what you must do in
code. Outlook takes care of that for you under the hood. Dan is correct as
to the recurrence pattern you must use.