Recurrence of Holidays

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andy Siegel
  • Start date Start date

Andy Siegel

Several "Holidays" don't fall on the same day each year. For instance, July
4th is always July 4th, but when the 4th is on a weekend, the HOLIDAY (as in
- the day off) is the closest weekday to July 4th. The same occurs with
several other holidays (Martin Luther King's birthday, Veterans' Day, etc).
I would like to see an option under recurrance to be the closest weekday to a
specific date.

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Several "Holidays" don't fall on the same day each year. For instance, July
4th is always July 4th, but when the 4th is on a weekend, the HOLIDAY (as in
- the day off) is the closest weekday to July 4th. The same occurs with
several other holidays (Martin Luther King's birthday, Veterans' Day, etc).
I would like to see an option under recurrance to be the closest weekday to
specific date.

Fairly easy to do, but holiday files cannot set up recurring holidays. They
provide a list of individual holidays spanning a fixed number of years. I
want back through my holidays and modified them into real recurring events,
then such was possible. Independence Day and the holidays involving Easter
are examples of days that I wasn't able to convert to a pattern, but the rest
were fairly easy. For example, traditional Memorial Day is every May 30,
while observed Memorial Day is always the last Monday of May. Traditional
Columbus Day is every October 12 and observed Columbus Day is the second
Monday of October. This year, that's the same day.
But what do you do with holidays that are sometimes observed on Monday and
sometimes on Friday?