I have a past recurring appointment that I've deleted, but a reminder still
pops up every day with a start time of the CURRENT DAY. When I try to
dismiss it, I get "Cannot turn off the reminder. You may be reminded again.
Cannot locate recurrence information for this appointment." When I try to
open it, it also can't open for the same reason given. How do I get this to
go away when the original appointment can't be located? I've already tried
the command-line switches /CleanReminders and /ResetFolders; that one
reminder STILL keeps popping up!
pops up every day with a start time of the CURRENT DAY. When I try to
dismiss it, I get "Cannot turn off the reminder. You may be reminded again.
Cannot locate recurrence information for this appointment." When I try to
open it, it also can't open for the same reason given. How do I get this to
go away when the original appointment can't be located? I've already tried
the command-line switches /CleanReminders and /ResetFolders; that one
reminder STILL keeps popping up!