I Tried to upgrade from Win98 to Win2000 Pro. The upgrade went properly
but during first bootup it showed that my ntldr file is possibly
missing/corrupt. I want to replace/rectify the error by booting into Recovery
Console. But it asks me for a password . I have not set a password since it
is my first bootup of Windows 2000. and setup did not ask me for a password
during installation. Is there a default password for starting up Recovery
I Tried to upgrade from Win98 to Win2000 Pro. The upgrade went properly
but during first bootup it showed that my ntldr file is possibly
missing/corrupt. I want to replace/rectify the error by booting into Recovery
Console. But it asks me for a password . I have not set a password since it
is my first bootup of Windows 2000. and setup did not ask me for a password
during installation. Is there a default password for starting up Recovery