Recovering My documents

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My pc crashed the other day. I have tried using the
recovery console but i get error messages from that
aswell the inital message on boot up is kernell software
missing required dlls missing also required to start
windows. I have installed windows again installing to a
different directory on the C drive. the problem is I have
some important documents in the My documents folder on
the old windows install these were protected. I can
access all other files apart from the ones in this
folder. is there a way i can get to these files and move
them to another location. my old IPSEC certificate maybe?
if so how do i get it. I'm planning on re-formating and
starting from scratch again but dont want to wipe the
disk if there's a chance of getting these files
MY O/S is XP HOME edition

Any help would be much appreciated
Log in as the administrator. This is done by re-booting
the computer and holding the f8 key. Start in safemode
and log in as the administrator. Then click right click
on the folder. Click properties. Click on security.
Click on take ownership. I'm not sure if this is the
exact location of the take ownership command. You can
use microsoft help to find it if it is not there.
Try to take Ownership of the folders.

Right click on the drive / folder
Goto Properties
Select security
Select Advanced
Select Owner
Make the changes there
Reboot may be needed.
