okay here is my sad sad story. i e-mailed myself my essay and when i was
opening it, i was asked if i wanted to open or save. i clicked open. then i
finished my whole paper, and clicked the X button. then microsoft word asked
me if i wanted to save or cancel and automatically, without thinking, i just
clicked the save button. so somewhere in my computer...my essay has got to be
saved, right? i think i tried every search phrase and searched every folder
in my whole computer and i can not find it. when i went back to yahoo (my
email) and opened the file again, it said it was going to be saved in the
"temporary folder" but i cant find this folder either! can someone PLEASE
help me and tell me what to do? is it possible to find the paper that i
thought was being saved???
opening it, i was asked if i wanted to open or save. i clicked open. then i
finished my whole paper, and clicked the X button. then microsoft word asked
me if i wanted to save or cancel and automatically, without thinking, i just
clicked the save button. so somewhere in my computer...my essay has got to be
saved, right? i think i tried every search phrase and searched every folder
in my whole computer and i can not find it. when i went back to yahoo (my
email) and opened the file again, it said it was going to be saved in the
"temporary folder" but i cant find this folder either! can someone PLEASE
help me and tell me what to do? is it possible to find the paper that i
thought was being saved???