Have you actually used this product to remove ANYTHING?
When it deletes an infection, it securely deletes it!
Some people have tried the data recovery method, but with
LIMITED success. When you delete the infection MSAS DOES
NOT put it into the Recycle Bin, it deletes it from the
system entirely, completely bypassing the Recycle Bin.
Other products are no different. I've used Ad-Aware to
remove cookie files and their is absolutely NOTHING in my
Recycle Bin after removal.
Any developer of antispyware apps that simply moved
things from the system to the Recycle Bin needs to be
taken out and SHOT!!! It it totally asinine to rely on a
totally unreliable deletion tool such as Windows' Recycle
Bin to remove an infection. When you empty your Recycle
Bin, all Windows does is mark the spot on the hard drive
as "empty." When in fact all that has happened is the
system can now write over that spot with data. Problem
with this is it might be years before that spot is
writtem over, leaving that data accessible by anyone who
has the skills to recove that data. If removal tools
actually used this feature, a virus/spyware/Trojan/etc.
writer could use a simple data recovery software tool to
recover what was just removed and reinstall it on your
system. This would totally defeat the purpose of running
an antispyware or AV app.