To answer these questions, yes, I know this was the bad drive from the
So you have the bad drive and are trying to recover data
from it? Why? The whole point of the array was that the
data is still on the good drive.
Nothing was done to it once removed, so it still considers
itself part of an array, and this is why Windows won't read I think.
No, as already written it is not a factor that it was a
member of an array. The whole point of RAID1 is that it's
two identical copies for redundancy, that both of the drives
are able to supply all data when not in the array. If the
drive you have is the one that failed, what is it you don't
understand? You have a failed drive, so just like if it
were never in an array it's unusable. That is unless I
misunderstood your first sentence above.
BIOS recognizes it, as well as a program called getdataback for ntfs.
This software seems to read the drive, but will not let me do anything
afterwards, like actually see any filenames. (Note: not using the
licensed version, just the trial)
Please back up and completely describe the whole situation
again. Using different wording. You had a RAID array with
two working drives and then what? One drive fails, or drops
out of the array for whatever reason, you still have one
working drive to get the data off of. That one working
drive is readable in any system that supports the drive. It
has nothing to do with whether it ever was or wasn't in an
array and you do not need any kind of recovery software to
get the data off of the working drive.
As for the other, seemingly failed drive. If it is a
typical hardware failure you won't get data back with
recovery software either and I don't understand why you are
trying to get any data off since that data is on the other
working drive, unless this drive had fallen into your hands
and you are trying to get at data you aren't supposed to
have access to.
Again I am testing it in just a WINXP machine. The server has had the
drive replaced and the RAID mirror repaired with new hardware.
Testing what? There is no need to retrieve data to test a
drive. I would suspect it's just like you described, a
failed drive - that has nothing to do with a raid array.
I guess what I am saying is, is there a way to make this drive
accessible to windows, IE, remove the RAID info.
Forget RAID. Do not mention it again as it isn't
applicable. For your purposes assume you have a single
drive that used to have data on it and that it was never in
a RAID array.
Now why do you need this data when the array was rebuilt
already? We need more info as this isn't making much sense.
If your drive has a physical failure, it will most likely
need to be sent to a data recovery center. Hopefully you
have not, yourself, nor allowed windows to write anything to
I don't think it is
so corrupt/damaged that it won't be readable. The drive spins quietly
and sounds fine.
Well it didn't get rejected from the server for no reason,
right? If it were still working then the array controller
bios or software likely already tried to rebuild the array
onto it... or the admin didn't set it up properly as this is
a fairly standard procedure.
Forget the data that was on it, forget it was RAIDed. Run
scandisk and the HDD manufacturer's utility on it.
Like I already wrote, we need for you to supply the
information originally requested instead of trying to steer
the conversation. That info was requested as it is
applicable towards figuring out the state of the drive.
Drives don't just fail to work in the same array they'd been
running in but then magically are readable if moved to a
different system if/when the original controller and
array(s) still work fine in the original system.
Odds are the drive is bad and unusable at all. Either that
or the person trying to fix the array didn't know what they
were doing and pulled a drive for no good reason.
If you want to run recovery software go right ahead but if
that software can't get your files it has nothing to do with
the drive formerly being in a RAID array because it was
RAID1. Is it possible it was not actually RAID1 but 5?