In Access97 I am using the following code to display records from a table.
The code executes from a unbound comboBox named cboFind.
Forms!frm1.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[Field1] = '" &
Forms!frm1![cboFind] & "'"
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark
The code works fine. The problem occurs when I leave frm1 (Example, go to
frm2) and return to it bringing the same Field1 record. The code I use to
return to frm1 follows:
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm1", , , "Field1 = '" & Forms!frm2!Field1 & "'"
FilterOn = False
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frm2"
The code works fine also. It opens frm1 and brings up the Field1 record.
The problem is the combobox no longer works. I can't call up another record
using the cboFind field with the RecordsetClone code above. I thought
turning off the filter when returning to frm1 would help. I thought wrong.
Can smarter minds than mine see what I am doing wrong?
The code executes from a unbound comboBox named cboFind.
Forms!frm1.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[Field1] = '" &
Forms!frm1![cboFind] & "'"
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark
The code works fine. The problem occurs when I leave frm1 (Example, go to
frm2) and return to it bringing the same Field1 record. The code I use to
return to frm1 follows:
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm1", , , "Field1 = '" & Forms!frm2!Field1 & "'"
FilterOn = False
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frm2"
The code works fine also. It opens frm1 and brings up the Field1 record.
The problem is the combobox no longer works. I can't call up another record
using the cboFind field with the RecordsetClone code above. I thought
turning off the filter when returning to frm1 would help. I thought wrong.
Can smarter minds than mine see what I am doing wrong?