qdfCurr.Parameters("EmployeeID").Value = cmbEmployee.Value
qdfCurr.Parameters("Activity_Date").Value =
Set rs = qdfCurr.OpenRecordset()
I tried to assign above 2 values to my qdfCurr.parameters
I got type mis match when I OpenRecordSet().
The Ativity_Date is datetime type field which contains date only. I check
debug that CDate(Int(dtpActivityDate.Value)) returns date type too.
I am not sure how it comes mis type error.
Your help is great appreciated,
qdfCurr.Parameters("Activity_Date").Value =
Set rs = qdfCurr.OpenRecordset()
I tried to assign above 2 values to my qdfCurr.parameters
I got type mis match when I OpenRecordSet().
The Ativity_Date is datetime type field which contains date only. I check
debug that CDate(Int(dtpActivityDate.Value)) returns date type too.
I am not sure how it comes mis type error.
Your help is great appreciated,