Recordset Questions

  • Thread starter Thread starter DTHMTL
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1. I have a table (linked text) called "inp" and another table called
"holding". Can the linked text table be opened as a Recordset?

2. I want to transfer data from one RecordSet to another. The text file is
scrambed pretty good, but it is sequential, so what I need to do is grab
info from one field.

3. I want to search say the fourth field for some info, if true, do
something. I need the command to search for info in the fourth field.

Thanks in advance.
1. I've manipulated linked text files before with
recordset commands before. Only problem is you can't set
an Index for them. Therefore, you can't use the Seek and
Find commands.

2. It can be done with an Append Queries but you will
need to establish your relationships.

3. You might want to use VB code but you should be able to
do this. Do you know how to work with recordsets in VB?
Something like:

dim rst as DAO.Recordset
set rst = Currentdb.Openrecordset("yourlinkedtable")
do while not rst.EOF
rst.movefirst your field to another table.....
if 4th field = ???? then ........

I hope that helps. There probably solutions just using
queries if you are not familiar with VB. Good luck.

What is the syntax for the if statement?
I was going to be doing this in VB

For example, my field name is "claim"

Is this correct?
if rst.claim? then
