Is anyone familiar with the following problem :
A simple query on a simple table returning records more
than once .........
There are no duplicate records in the database yet the
recordset reports more than one ...
Could this possibly be a corrupt data file ???
How can I tell ?
Below is my query .. I have checked the table in Access
and there are NO DUPS but the output from this query -
sometimes lists the same record more than once ....
hmmmm .. does the locktype affect the cursor ......
response . Is it possible that the cursor is reporting a
partial record and then re-reporting a complete
record ... ???
aSSQL = "SELECT * FROM rte_steps WHERE rte_id_num =" &
rid & " ORDER BY rte_seq ASC"
Set nRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
Set nRs.ActiveConnection = oConn
nRs.Source = aSSQL
nRs.LockType = 3
on</strong></TD><TD><strong>Arrive/Start Time
Time /Depart</strong></TD><TD><strong> Days of Week
</strong></TD><TD><strong> passenger code </strong></TD>"
scratch = ""
do While Not nRs.EOF
routenumber = nRs.Fields(1).value
rtedesc = nRs.Fields(2).value
action = nRs.Fields("rte_activity")
action_start = nRs.Fields("rte_activ_start_time")
action_end= nRs.Fields("rte_activ_end_time")
psngr_code= nRs.Fields("passenger_code")
rte_DOW= nRs.Fields("rte_DOW")
rte_site= nRs.Fields("rte_site")
rtestep = nRs.Fields("rte_seq")
contline = 0
appendline = 0
if (psngr_code = "0") Then
psngr_code = " "
End If
if(action = "Arrive") Then
scratch = "<TR><B><TD>" & rte_site & "</TD><TD>" &
action &"</TD><TD>" & action_start & "</TD><TD> " &
action_end & "- Depart </TD></B>"
scratch = scratch & "<TD><i>" & rte_DOW
& "</i></TD><TD><B>" & psngr_code & "</B></TD>"
scratch = scratch & "<TR><TD> </TD><TD>" & action
& "</TD><TD>" & action_start & "</TD><TD> " & action_end
& "</TD>"
End If
Response.write(scratch & "</TR>")
A simple query on a simple table returning records more
than once .........
There are no duplicate records in the database yet the
recordset reports more than one ...
Could this possibly be a corrupt data file ???
How can I tell ?
Below is my query .. I have checked the table in Access
and there are NO DUPS but the output from this query -
sometimes lists the same record more than once ....
hmmmm .. does the locktype affect the cursor ......
response . Is it possible that the cursor is reporting a
partial record and then re-reporting a complete
record ... ???
aSSQL = "SELECT * FROM rte_steps WHERE rte_id_num =" &
rid & " ORDER BY rte_seq ASC"
Set nRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
Set nRs.ActiveConnection = oConn
nRs.Source = aSSQL
nRs.LockType = 3
on</strong></TD><TD><strong>Arrive/Start Time
Time /Depart</strong></TD><TD><strong> Days of Week
</strong></TD><TD><strong> passenger code </strong></TD>"
scratch = ""
do While Not nRs.EOF
routenumber = nRs.Fields(1).value
rtedesc = nRs.Fields(2).value
action = nRs.Fields("rte_activity")
action_start = nRs.Fields("rte_activ_start_time")
action_end= nRs.Fields("rte_activ_end_time")
psngr_code= nRs.Fields("passenger_code")
rte_DOW= nRs.Fields("rte_DOW")
rte_site= nRs.Fields("rte_site")
rtestep = nRs.Fields("rte_seq")
contline = 0
appendline = 0
if (psngr_code = "0") Then
psngr_code = " "
End If
if(action = "Arrive") Then
scratch = "<TR><B><TD>" & rte_site & "</TD><TD>" &
action &"</TD><TD>" & action_start & "</TD><TD> " &
action_end & "- Depart </TD></B>"
scratch = scratch & "<TD><i>" & rte_DOW
& "</i></TD><TD><B>" & psngr_code & "</B></TD>"
scratch = scratch & "<TR><TD> </TD><TD>" & action
& "</TD><TD>" & action_start & "</TD><TD> " & action_end
& "</TD>"
End If
Response.write(scratch & "</TR>")