I have a query "qryCountsbyVendorTime" that could only be made updateable by
selecting Dynaset (inconsistent updates) in the recordset type property.
When I open the query in datasheet view, I can edit the count data.
I created a form based on this query, and switched to datasheet view, and
could not edit the data - the info bar at the bottom of the screen reads:
Dataset is not Updateable.
Why??? And how can I create a form based on this query (ideally a subform
so I can group records) that allows me to edit one of the fields?
selecting Dynaset (inconsistent updates) in the recordset type property.
When I open the query in datasheet view, I can edit the count data.
I created a form based on this query, and switched to datasheet view, and
could not edit the data - the info bar at the bottom of the screen reads:
Dataset is not Updateable.
Why??? And how can I create a form based on this query (ideally a subform
so I can group records) that allows me to edit one of the fields?