RecordSet - No current Record

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chuck
  • Start date Start date


I have a DAO recordset (rst) based on a query in a nested
loop. The first loop provides the parameters for the
recordset which is then Set in the second loop.
The first time thru all works fine. When I reach EOF on
the recordset I rst.Close and Set rst = nothing.
The first loop then sets the new parameters for the rst
query. I perform the second loop again with a set rst=
(query). Then when the code executes rst.MoveFirst I get
the error "No current record".
How can I reset the recordset so I can re set it and work
with the new records.
Thank You
It sounds like you got the correct steps.

Please post relevant Table Structure, SQL String for the
Queries and the VBA code so that others can investigate.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)
-----Original Message-----
I have a DAO recordset (rst) based on a query in a nested
loop. The first loop provides the parameters for the
recordset which is then Set in the second loop.
The first time thru all works fine. When I reach EOF on
the recordset I rst.Close and Set rst = nothing.
The first loop then sets the new parameters for the rst
query. I perform the second loop again with a set rst=
(query). Then when the code executes rst.MoveFirst I get
the error "No current record".
How can I reset the recordset so I can re set it and work
with the new records.
Thank You


Dim rstC As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstF As DAO.Recordset

Set rstC = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM
tbl_Credits WHERE (tbl_Credits.DevID) = " & intDev _
& " ORDER BY tbl_Credits.RecID,

curAmount = rstC!RAmount

Do While (Not rstC.EOF)
Set rstF = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM
tbl_Charges WHERE (tbl_Charges.DevID) = " & intDev _
& " And (tbl_Charges.RecID) = " & rstC!RecID
& " And (tbl_Charges.Balance) > 0" _
& " ORDER BY tbl_Charges.FeeType = " &
strFee1 & ", tbl_Charges.FeeType = " & strFee2 _
& ", tbl_Charges.FeeType = " & strFee3 & ",
tbl_Charges.FeeType = " & strFee4 _
& ", tbl_Charges.FeeType = " & strFee5 & ",
tbl_Charges.FeeType = " & strFee6 _
& ", tbl_Charges.FeeType = " & strFee7 & ",
tbl_Charges.FeeType = " & strFee8 _
& ", tbl_Charges.FeeType = " & strFee9 & ",
tbl_Charges.FeeType = " & strFee0 _
& ", tbl_Charges.FeeDate")

curAmount = rstC!RAmount

Do While (Not rstF.EOF) And curAmount > 0

If rstF!Balance <= curAmount Then

curAmount = curAmount - rstF!Balance
strInsert = "INSERT INTO tbl_Recipts " _
& "(DevID, RecID, RType, RDate,
RAmount, Check, Account) VALUES " _
& "(" & rstF!DevId & ", " & rstF!
RecID & ", '" & rstF!FeeType & "', #" & rstC!RDate
& "#, " & rstF!Balance & ", '" & rstC!Check & "', " &
rstF!ContraAcct & ");"

DoCmd.RunSQL strInsert

strUpdate = "UPDATE tbl_Charges SET
tbl_Charges.Balance = 0 WHERE tbl_Charges.TMStamp = #" &
rstC!CTM & "# AND tbl_Charges.RecID = " _
& rstC!RecID & " and FeeType = '" & rstF!
FeeType & "';"
DoCmd.RunSQL strUpdate

strUpdate = "UPDATE tbl_Recipts SET
tbl_Recipts.RAmount = " & curAmount _
& " WHERE tbl_Recipts.TMStamp = #" & rstC!
RTM & "# AND RecID = " _
& rstC!RecID & " and RType = 'CR';"
DoCmd.RunSQL strUpdate


strUpdate = "UPDATE tbl_Recipts SET
tbl_Recipts.RType = '" & rstF!FeeType & "',
tbl_Recipts.Account = " & rstF!ContraAcct & "" _
& " WHERE tbl_Recipts.TMStamp = #" &
rstC!RTM & "# AND RecID = " _
& rstC!RecID & " and RType = 'CR';"
DoCmd.RunSQL strUpdate

curBal = rstF!Balance - curAmount
strUpdate = "UPDATE tbl_Charges SET
tbl_Charges.Balance = " & curBal & " WHERE
tbl_Charges.TMStamp = #" & rstF!TMStamp & "# AND RecID
= " _
& rstF!RecID & " and FeeType = '" & rstF!
FeeType & "';"
DoCmd.RunSQL strUpdate

curAmount = 0
End If
Set rstF = Nothing
