Records input on one computer sometimes can't be found on 2nd computer

  • Thread starter Thread starter denilynn
  • Start date Start date


We're on a network (NT). We're having a problem with one
employee inputting a record into a form and not being able
to find it on another employee's computer. The problem
isn't necessarily client-specific and doesn't happen for
every record. Any ideas? Thank you in advance!
We're on a network (NT). We're having a problem with one
employee inputting a record into a form and not being able
to find it on another employee's computer. The problem
isn't necessarily client-specific and doesn't happen for
every record. Any ideas? Thank you in advance!

Is the inputting user actually writing the record to disk, e.g. by
closing the form or moving off the record? If not, the record is not
saved to disk. Also, what's the architecture: do you have a shared
backend database with each user having their own frontend (preferred),
or is everyone sharing the same .mdb file?