Timothy Taylor
How do I record sound using the built-in mic?
I would like to record and write it to a .wav file using the microphone that
comes with the PDA.
Also, is it possible to pick up sound without writing it to a file? Just
showing what the microphone hears kinda? (for example look at the wes site
How do i do something like that (or very simple version) showing some data
about what the microphone hears.
How do I record sound using the built-in mic?
I would like to record and write it to a .wav file using the microphone that
comes with the PDA.
Also, is it possible to pick up sound without writing it to a file? Just
showing what the microphone hears kinda? (for example look at the wes site
How do i do something like that (or very simple version) showing some data
about what the microphone hears.