Recording to CD or Computer File

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When I attempt to record a movie to a CD or a computer file (wav format), the
audio is recorded successfully, but not all of the video. It goes blank
after a short while when I play the recorded movie back. I also get a
warning that my virtual memory is low and that Windows is adjusting same?
What am I doing wrong? I have successfully recorded movies before on CD and
to a computer file. I am on a deadline to finish this movie before a
wedding in November. Help!!!
Mike at (e-mail address removed)
Sound like the files you are using may be too large for the power of the PC
that you are using. Try to work with the files on a more powerful PC with
lots of memory and fast CPU and you can also change the virtual memory
settings from windows controled which is the default to user controlled and
set them very high, but anytime you get into using lots of virtual memory
usually its a MM project that is too large. Maybe break down the project
into sections, publish each section seperate to a high profile (Avi) and
then reimport the published files when they are all complete and publish
them again all as one. This causes re-encode twice but if using .avi the
loss should be minimal.