Recording guitar again...

Sep 17, 2005
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well i recieved the 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch converter cable today, plugged it into the mic input, and it didnt pick up any sound. I plugged it into the preamp out (the only output i have on my amp), and into line in, and nothing hampened. I dont know if im missing something obvious, but its getting on my nerves. Nothing is muted, every audio control is on full, but it still wont record anything

please help :(
Have you checked your 'record' levels in volume control?

You'll need to un-mute line in and mic and raise the sliders a bit. You may also have to select 'record source' or similar depending on your sound device software.
i have a £10 trust 5.1 card :P the 'software' is non - existant :P

there is nothing muted and every is at max. something is wrong.

btw im using audacity
You shouldn't have to have Audacity open to just hear your guitar, you should be able to plug it in and hear it through your computer speakers, if you plug the guitar straight into mic input.

You could try pulling the smaller jack plug in and out of the socket a little, guitar output is one channel and card input is two, though they're probably twinned within the lead.

Other than that, I have not a clue :confused:

its not working, no sound through mic input or anything

maybe i just have a crap soundcard