=[Form].[CurrentRecord] & " of " & [Form].[RecordsetClone].[RecordCount]
There are some problems with that:
a) When you first load the form, the RecordCount may be 1. So it may not
give the correct count until it finishes loading records.
b) Access 2007 will fail with that expression. You will need to use a
function to get the count in this version.
c) Really old versions (Access 2 and earlier) can't handle this either.
More info:
Numbering Entries in a Report or Form
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Nad said:
Hi Guys,
How do i display record X of Y on my from(in TextBox).My form is based on
Updatable query & i removed the record selector.
Help Please...
Thanks & Regards,