"record set not updateable"

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HAve a form based on a query from one table only. Form fields has 4
identifying fields( date, time, firstname and lastname) plus 2 fields to
update; attended and passed. Both of these are checkboxes. I have disabled
the 4 identifying fields on the form field properties tab. When I attempt to
check the checkboxes on the form view, I receive the message above. I have
set no limitations on the query or the table for these two fields. And am NOT
working in VBA code.
Any pointers to where I might look to allow these two fields to be
updatebale and therefore update the underlying table fields will be greatly
What is the RecordSource query for the form? Does that query include the
table's primary key field? Are the checkboxes bound to a field in that
Thanks for the response and questions. First of all the recordsource query
for teh form is qrySessionParticipantList. I was mistaken in originally
stating that this query was based on asingle table, in actaulity it is based
on 4 tables to gather all teh necessary data.

Secondly, No teh query does NOT include the primary key for the table in
which these checkbox fields exist.

Thirdly, I believe the answer is yes. I used teh Wizard to create the form
from the query, then simply rearrange the form to suit my needs. If I
understand your question correctly, that means the checkboxes on the form are
linked directly to the underlying query, which I believe means they are also
linked to the table field which the query accesses.

Yes, all of this means I masomewhat of a novice in teh database design
Have to start somewhere.
Not including the primary key of the table of the fields bound to the
checkboxes is most likely the primary reason why the query is nonupdatable.
But there can be many other reasons why Jet engine cannot identify a unique
record in the query's recordset so that a record can be updated. See these
MS Knowledge Base articles for more information about what makes queries
updatable and nonupdatable (watch for line-wrapping):

When can I update data from a query?

Harnessing the Power of Updatable Queries

ACC2000: Cannot Edit or Update Record on a Form

ACC2000: Status Bar Displays "Recordset Not Updateable" Message When You Try
to Update a Linked Table

INFO: Troubleshooting Errors That May Occur When You Update Data in Queries
and in Forms

ACC: Update Query Based on Totals Query Fails
Followed yoru suggestions and the links in your earlier response. That led me
to teh discovery that the problem was not in teh form, but in the query
itself. I guess I had never run across a simple select query that would not
allow updates before.

The inclusion or exclusion of the Primary key field appears to have no
effect on the updatability of the query in Access2000. In testing the more
than three tables with a many to one to many relationship, i found that
simply having a thrid table referenced in the stops teh updatability of the

This leads me to finding another way to display the data from these
different tables on my form, so that "attendance" and "passed" logic fields
can be updated from teh form.

Thanks for your ideas and suggestions