Record Row Color Access 07

Jun 26, 2009
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I been tryig to figure out a little issue for the past ehh few hours..

have about 100 records, each record has about 5 fields and 1 of them is status.
What i am trying to do is that if that status = done or status=active i want to set the whole row a certain color...

tried conditional color, it selects either just one field or the whole colum..
trying setting it to that color by: me.status.backcolor = vbRed..and i get the whole colomn..tried the expression way as well..i either get same results or everything gets selected...

any help is appreciated, i need some light in the dark world of access....


To do this you have to be crafty. First take the status field and create a text box that covers the entire row on the report. Then set the condition that you want - make sure you set the forecolor the same as the backcolor. Make sure that the Background is not set to Transparent i.e. set it to Solid. Send this text box to the Back.
Then place all the other fields in the row on top of this field and set their backgrounds to Transparent.

If you already have the form with all the fields on it. Copy the Status field and expand it over all the other fields (delete the label if there is one). Set the color conditions as described above. This will stripe the whole row in the colours you specify. Then send that field to the back. Select each of the other fields on the row and set their Backgrounds to Transparent.

Hope that helps
..i either not doing this right or i have already tried this..i guess i should mention this is a continuos form, with more then one record displaying.

Multi form..displays about 10 records..each one is unique and all has status..i tried that label thing and it highlighted all of them....

Any ideas how to do it on the multiform??

This method works on multi (continuous) forms, I use it all the time. Try creating a continuous form based on your table - but with only the status field on it. Set the conditional colors on the status field and display the form. You should see the status field changing colour on each row according to the conditional settings and the value of the status data.
If you don't see the different colours in the status field then either your conditional values are wrong or there is something wrong with the data.
I am prolly doing something wrong here ill share on what i have:

Created new multiple items form--from the master table..with all rows, upon load of form or update of status field it sets that label or text box background to a certain color(i have tried with both)

If Status_Type = "Active" Then
Text24.BackColor = vbRed
ElseIf Status_Type = "InActive" Then
Text24.BackColor = vbBlue
ElseIf Status_Type = "Archived" Then
Text24.BackColor = vbBlack
ElseIf Status_Type = "Maintenance" Then
Text24.BackColor = vbYellow
End If

The reason i dont use coniditinal formating is that i use more then 3 colors, which coniditional formatting cant do..

It still sets every single row the one color..
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