Record Locking question



Hi all,
On my forms I have a checkbox with code to lock record and do certain
things on the form via code by using Tag on fields and such.

I also have a check box on one form that I use to enabel or disable a
field. Is there a way to use more than one tag on a single field such
as Txt or Cbo? If So, How? I have tried several things but seams to be
out of my knowledge.


Allen Browne

Any object has only one Tag property.

If you really need the Tag to store multiple items, you can store a
delimited list, such as:
ShowThis=True; DisableThis = False; RememberSomething = 999

You can then use Split to parse the items into an array, and loop through
the array to find the value you want to know about.


Any object has only one Tag property.

If you really need the Tag to store multiple items, you can store a
delimited list, such as:
ShowThis=True; DisableThis = False; RememberSomething = 999

You can then use Split to parse the items into an array, and loop through
the array to find the value you want to know about.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Tips for Access users -
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

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How did I just know this couldn't be something simple!
i just have to laugh at this point!

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