Record Limit in Combo Box



Hello, we have a 112,000 records in our database. Our main entry form has a
unbound combo box to search for a specific address but would only show a
limited amount. I posted a request for help and was told that Access only
allows 88,000 records to be viewed in a combo box so I filtered it down to
only 82,000 records but we are still having the problem...when they search
for a record though it is there in the list, it will not show in the drop
down list.

Can anyone assist me with this.

Thank you,


Ken Snell [MVP]

Maximum number of records that can be displayed in a list box or in the
dropdown list of a combo box is 65,536.


Thank you for responding. Can you suggest a method that will allow them to
see all the records other than a combo box?
Thank you,

Peter R. Fletcher

One approach (which might also make the form "work" better) would be
to have one combo box to cut down the number of choices (e.g., in your
case, the region or town from the address) and a second one to find
the exact one needed. The second box would be populated from Query
that used the output of the first as a parameter (and was ReQueried
whenever the first was changed).

Thank you for responding. Can you suggest a method that will allow them to
see all the records other than a combo box?
Thank you,

Please respond to the Newsgroup, so that others may benefit from the exchange.
Peter R. Fletcher

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