record count

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I would like to store the currnet record number of a continuous form in a
field for the current record. In other words, I would like to put the number
appearing in the navigation box into a field for new records. Is there any
way to access that number?
The "number appearing in the navigation box" isn't real! If you take the
same set of records and resort them by a different criterion, the "record
numbers" will all change.

That "number appearing in the navigation box" should only be used to give
you an idea of how far through the set you are (and some of us tend to turn
the display of that number off altogether, for just the reason you've
brought up).

Now, let's talk about WHY you want to know something about the "current
record". What will it help you to do to know that? I don't ask out of
simple curiosity, but because knowing the business need may point to
alternate ways to get your job done.

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
Thanks for the response Jeff. I have a table with a text field containing a
parameter description for engineering components, and a number field
containing an integer to indicate the order of precedence for the domain. In
other words, the table is linked to another table storing components in a
one-to-many relationship with the parameters. I need be able to order, and
reorder the parameters for each particular component, so that meaningful
parametric descriptions can be concantenated. As I am entering parameters, I
want to store the order in which they've been entered. Later, the order of
the parameters can be changed, using a clever algorithm I wrote to switch
this "order of precedence" field between adjacent parameters either bubbling
them up or down. Anyway, I solved the problem by assigning the currentrecord
property of the form to this field, as I am entering parameters. Later, when
I am editing parameters, they are loaded into the form, ordered by the "order
of precedence field", so everything matches. Seems to work!