It's not clear from your post why you are getting error # 10035. You
should only see that when using non-blocking sockets. Are you using
non-blocking sockets? That is, have you set the Socket.Blocking property
to "false"?
As for the more general question, if a send or receive method on a Socket
instance throws a fatal exception, then that connection is done. You need
to close the socket and reconnect. The only non-fatal exception you
should see in .NET is error # 10035 (WSAEWOULDBLOCK), and then only if
you're using the Socket directly and you've configured the Socket instance
to be a non-blocking socket (which in .NET is mostly pointless, because
.NET offers much better asynchronous i/o methods).
What little code you posted seems to imply that you're not even using the
Socket instance directly, but instead are using it via a NetworkStream and
TcpClient. In this case, any exception is likely to be fatal. Even if
NetworkStream put the Socket into the non-blocking state (and I don't
think it should), it shouldn't be letting the WSAEWOULDBLOCK exception to
filter back to your application code.
Finally note that for some exceptions, it may _appear_ that you are able
to continue using the Socket, but in fact doing so could result in data
corruption. My recollection was that .NET already prevents this access
and that it's only an issue when using Winsock via the native API. Butif
you're seeing a fatal exception from a Socket and yet are still able to
use the Socket for i/o after the exception, I doubt this is a legal use of
the Socket.
Of course, without a concise-but-complete code example, it's impossible to
make any specific, concrete statements about what you should or should not
do. If you want a good answer, you need to post a concise-but-complete
code example that reliably demonstrates the issue.
Pete– Skjul sitert tekst –
– Vis sitert tekst –
To illustrate the issue I have made a small client \ server
application. Code is attach at the end of post.
Here is the output from the client application (arguments are ip,
port, timeout). Shortly after starting the client application the
network cable is unplugged for a few seconds then reconnected again.
It appear that the client during that time gets a few exceptions but
then manages to continue sending and recving packets from server. It
appear like the exceptions are "non-fatal" and does not warrent a
Appreciate any input and please let me know if anything is unclear.
C:\Temp>client 6789 2000
Client send ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Client recv ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Client send ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Client recv ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Client send ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
IOExceptionUnable to read data from the transport connection
at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32
offset, Int32 size)
at Client.Program.Main(String[] args) Client\Program.cs:line 40
Client send ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
IOExceptionUnable to read data from the transport connection:
Stack at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32
offset, Int32 size)
at Client.Program.Main(String[] args) in Client\Program.cs:line 40
Client send ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
IOExceptionUnable to read data from the transport connection
Stack at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32
offset, Int32 size)
at Client.Program.Main(String[] args) in Client\Program.cs:line 40
Client send ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Client recv ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Client send ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
IOExceptionUnable to read data from the transport connection
Stack at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32
offset, Int32 size)
at Client.Program.Main(String[] args) in Client\Program.cs:line 40
Client send ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Client recv ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Client send ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Client recv ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Client send ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Client recv ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Client send ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Client recv ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Client send ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Client recv ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Client send ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Client recv ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Here is the output from server app (arguments port, timeout)
C:\temp>server 6789 2000
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
Server send ID=124, len=5, data=77 88 66 72 83
Server recv ID=421, len=5, data=10 20 11 22 33
namespace Server
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IPEndPoint endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any,
TcpListener listener = new TcpListener
while (true)
Socket s = listener.AcceptSocket();
ClientHandler ch = new ClientHandler(s, Int32.Parse
( args[1]) );
class ClientHandler
private Socket client;
private int timeout;
public ClientHandler(Socket client, int timeout)
this.timeout = timeout;
this.client = client;
Thread clientThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart
public void ClientSession()
int id = 124;
byte[] buffer = { 0x77, 0x88, 0x66, 0x72, 0x83 };
int length = 5;
NetworkStream stream = null;
stream = new NetworkStream(client);
while (true)
int rxDataCounter = 0;
int receiveBytes = 8;
byte[] recvHeader = new byte[receiveBytes];
while (rxDataCounter < receiveBytes)
int localCounter = stream.Read(recvHeader,
rxDataCounter, receiveBytes - rxDataCounter);
if (localCounter == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Error Reading Header");
rxDataCounter += localCounter;
int recv_id = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder
(BitConverter.ToInt32(recvHeader, 0));
int recv_len = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder
(BitConverter.ToInt32(recvHeader, 4));
rxDataCounter = 0;
byte[] recvData = new byte[recv_len];
while (rxDataCounter < recv_len)
int localCounter = stream.Read(recvData,
rxDataCounter, recv_len - rxDataCounter);
if (localCounter == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Error Reading data");
rxDataCounter += localCounter;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Server recv ID=
{0}, len={1}, data={2}", recv_id, recv_len, DumpBytes(recvData)));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Server send ID=
{0}, len={1}, data={2}", id, length, DumpBytes(buffer)));
(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(id)), 0, 4);
(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(length)), 0, 4);
stream.Write(buffer, 0, 5);
catch (IOException io)
Console.WriteLine("IOException" + io.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Stack" + io.StackTrace);
SocketException se = io.InnerException as
if (se != null) Console.WriteLine
("SocketInnerException" + se.NativeErrorCode.ToString());
if (stream != null) stream.Close();
public static string DumpBytes(byte [] buffer)
System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
builder.AppendFormat("{0:X2} ", buffer
return builder.ToString();
namespace Client
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int timeout = Int32.Parse(args[2]);
TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient();
tcpClient.NoDelay = true;
tcpClient.ReceiveTimeout = 5000;
tcpClient.Connect(args[0], Int32.Parse(args[1]));
Stream stream = tcpClient.GetStream();
int id = 421;
byte[] buffer = { 0x10, 0x20, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33 };
int length = 5;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Client send ID=
{0}, len={1}, data={2}", id, length, DumpBytes(buffer)));
(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(id)), 0, 4);
(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(length)), 0, 4);
stream.Write(buffer, 0, 5);
int rxDataCounter = 0;
int receiveBytes = 8;
byte[] recvHeader = new byte[receiveBytes];
while (rxDataCounter < receiveBytes)
int localCounter = stream.Read(recvHeader,
rxDataCounter, receiveBytes - rxDataCounter);
if (localCounter == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Error Reading Header");
rxDataCounter += localCounter;
int recv_id = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder
(BitConverter.ToInt32(recvHeader, 0));
int recv_len = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder
(BitConverter.ToInt32(recvHeader, 4));
rxDataCounter = 0;
byte[] recvData = new byte[recv_len];
while (rxDataCounter < recv_len)
int localCounter = stream.Read(recvData,
rxDataCounter, recv_len - rxDataCounter);
if (localCounter == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Error Reading data");
rxDataCounter += localCounter;
"Client recv ID={0}, len={1}, data={2}",
recv_id, recv_len, DumpBytes(recvData)));
catch (IOException io)
Console.WriteLine("IOException" + io.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Stack" + io.StackTrace);
SocketException se = io.InnerException as
if (se != null) Console.WriteLine
("SocketInnerException" + se.NativeErrorCode.ToString());
public static string DumpBytes(byte[] buffer)
System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
builder.AppendFormat("{0:X2} ", buffer);
return builder.ToString();