I ran filemon and the results, to me at least, or confusing. I see one
ACCESS DENIED in the filemon log :
23936 11:02:36 AM winlogon.exe:744 QUERY INFORMATION C:\Documents and
Settings\mYaCCOUNT SUCCESS Attributes: D
23937 11:02:36 AM winlogon.exe:744 CREATE C:\Documents and
Settings\mYaCCOUNT\prfBF.tmp SUCCESS Options: Create Access: All
23938 11:02:36 AM winlogon.exe:744 CLOSE C:\Documents and
Settings\mYaCCOUNT\prfBF.tmp SUCCESS
23939 11:02:36 AM winlogon.exe:744 CREATE C:\Documents and
Settings\mYaCCOUNT\prfBF.tmp SUCCESS Options: OverwriteIf Sequential Access:
23940 11:02:36 AM winlogon.exe:744 QUERY INFORMATION C:\Documents and
Settings\mYaCCOUNT\prfBF.tmp SUCCESS FileFsAttributeInformation
23941 11:02:36 AM winlogon.exe:744 QUERY INFORMATION C:\Documents and
Settings\mYaCCOUNT\prfBF.tmp SUCCESS Attributes: RHSA
23942 11:02:36 AM winlogon.exe:744 SET INFORMATION C:\Documents and
Settings\mYaCCOUNT\prfBF.tmp SUCCESS Length: 15008
23943 11:02:36 AM winlogon.exe:744 WRITE C:\Documents and
Settings\mYaCCOUNT\prfBF.tmp SUCCESS Offset: 0 Length: 15008
23944 11:02:36 AM winlogon.exe:744 SET INFORMATION C:\Documents and
Settings\mYaCCOUNT\prfBF.tmp SUCCESS FileBasicInformation
23945 11:02:36 AM winlogon.exe:744 CLOSE C:\Documents and
Settings\mYaCCOUNT\prfBF.tmp SUCCESS
23946 11:02:36 AM winlogon.exe:744 OPEN C:\Documents and
So, it looks like the Profile Reconciliation is trying to create this file,
and to me, it looks like it has. Odd.
Any suggestions ?