2 tables. The ID field in table1 is primary key in table1 and foriegn key in
table2. In older MS access apps I used something like the following for
handling the need to have the autonumber field automatically generated by
Access to create the next set of records in a related table.
With rst 'table one
.Fields("Name") = UCase(Trim(Me.txtImageName))
.Fields("Sysprepped") = Trim(Me.cboSysprepped)
.Fields("MachineType") = UCase(Trim(Me.txtMachineType))
.Fields("TechID") = UCase(Trim(Me.cboTechID))
.Fields("OSID") = Trim(Me.cboOSID)
.Fields("SPLevel") = Trim(Me.txtSPLevel)
.Fields("DateCreated") = Trim(Me.txtDateCreated)
.Fields("Notes") = Trim(Me.txtNotes)
ID = .Fields("ImageID") 'here is where I snag the auto ID
number field
End With
sql = "SELECT * FROM [tblImage-Software] WHERE
[tblImage-Software.ImageID] = 0"
rst.Open sql, options:=adCmdText
i = 0 'reinitialize
With rst 'table two
For i = 0 To lstInstalledSoftware.ListCount - 1 'clear selections
from source lst box
.Fields("ImageID") = ID 'Here is where I use the previously
snagged ID
.Fields("SoftwareID") = lstInstalledSoftware.ItemData(i)
Next i
End With
This part:
ID = .Fields("ImageID")
is where I stored the autonumber id field from that record to use later in
this code to enter several records into a seperate related table.
1) can this be done with ado.net in the same way? is so, is it ok
(recommended) to do it this way?
1a) could someone give me a short example using an ado.net dataset?
2) is using the select @@identity query a better way?
I know ado.net is 'disconnected' so I don't know if the method shown in the
sample code will work anymore. I have also never used the @@identity method
and don't know if it is recommended/reliable since several users could be
adding records at the same time... how do you know you got yours? Aside from
really needing answers to 1) and 2) above, I am wondering if the same
applies to sql server identity columns?
any info is appreciated. Thanks.
table2. In older MS access apps I used something like the following for
handling the need to have the autonumber field automatically generated by
Access to create the next set of records in a related table.
With rst 'table one
.Fields("Name") = UCase(Trim(Me.txtImageName))
.Fields("Sysprepped") = Trim(Me.cboSysprepped)
.Fields("MachineType") = UCase(Trim(Me.txtMachineType))
.Fields("TechID") = UCase(Trim(Me.cboTechID))
.Fields("OSID") = Trim(Me.cboOSID)
.Fields("SPLevel") = Trim(Me.txtSPLevel)
.Fields("DateCreated") = Trim(Me.txtDateCreated)
.Fields("Notes") = Trim(Me.txtNotes)
ID = .Fields("ImageID") 'here is where I snag the auto ID
number field
End With
sql = "SELECT * FROM [tblImage-Software] WHERE
[tblImage-Software.ImageID] = 0"
rst.Open sql, options:=adCmdText
i = 0 'reinitialize
With rst 'table two
For i = 0 To lstInstalledSoftware.ListCount - 1 'clear selections
from source lst box
.Fields("ImageID") = ID 'Here is where I use the previously
snagged ID
.Fields("SoftwareID") = lstInstalledSoftware.ItemData(i)
Next i
End With
This part:
ID = .Fields("ImageID")
is where I stored the autonumber id field from that record to use later in
this code to enter several records into a seperate related table.
1) can this be done with ado.net in the same way? is so, is it ok
(recommended) to do it this way?
1a) could someone give me a short example using an ado.net dataset?
2) is using the select @@identity query a better way?
I know ado.net is 'disconnected' so I don't know if the method shown in the
sample code will work anymore. I have also never used the @@identity method
and don't know if it is recommended/reliable since several users could be
adding records at the same time... how do you know you got yours? Aside from
really needing answers to 1) and 2) above, I am wondering if the same
applies to sql server identity columns?
any info is appreciated. Thanks.