Recommended Project Type

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joe Rigley
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Joe Rigley


I'm still a bit green with .NET... I'd like to know what would be the best
kind of VS .NET project type I should use if I need a scheduled job that
will pull data user data from a DB2 db and modify user account data in
Active Directory. (Data like address, phone, mgr name, etc...) I'm
envisioning some type of an .exe that would be added to the server's
Schedule service and called nightly that would in the background with no
user input.

Should a job like this be true VB .NET app? A Console Application? A
Windows Service? Please let me know your thoughts and a quick reason why.

Thanks kindly,

I would use a Console Application. It's simple and does not depend on
anything else than the .Net framework.

Stuff like access to file system and other resources are run as the calling
user (which you set the Scheduler).

Another approach could be if you do you logic in a class library (as a
separate project) which you use from your Console app. Then you can easily
switch to a service, if you feel like it.

Mikael Östberg
as a follow-up, I would recommend you always put the logic in a separate
project - then you can produce a facade (be it service, console, winforms
app or whatever) with the minimum of hassle