I've started looking into using an RSS Client, but there's a bewildering
array of stuff on the web if you're not sure where to start.
So I thought I'd ask for recommendations here.
Preferably, the optimal client would fit these criteria:
* W2K compatible
* NO .Net Framework requirement
* Easy addition of feeds
* Parse output to the default browser (optimal)
* Or use a tree-based view if the above isn't available
* Freeware, of course
So, am I just being too picky, or does such a beast exist?
Thanks for any suggestions,
array of stuff on the web if you're not sure where to start.
So I thought I'd ask for recommendations here.
Preferably, the optimal client would fit these criteria:
* W2K compatible
* NO .Net Framework requirement
* Easy addition of feeds
* Parse output to the default browser (optimal)
* Or use a tree-based view if the above isn't available
* Freeware, of course

So, am I just being too picky, or does such a beast exist?
Thanks for any suggestions,