Recommendation: Wireless Web Security Cam?



I have had some recent problems with attempted break-ins into my car
which is located in a carport about 75 feet from my closest PC (a
laptop on a D-Link 802.11b/g router.

I'm looking for a reliable wireless webcam that will ideally send
email alerts when there is activity around the car (i.e. motion

Web searches aren't turning up much that gets a good review.

Anyone have any recommendations for a good wireless webcam with some
security features?


I have had some recent problems with attempted break-ins into my car
which is located in a carport about 75 feet from my closest PC (a
laptop on a D-Link 802.11b/g router.

I'm looking for a reliable wireless webcam that will ideally send
email alerts when there is activity around the car (i.e. motion

Web searches aren't turning up much that gets a good review.

Anyone have any recommendations for a good wireless webcam with some
security features?

IMO this is a wasted effort. I'm not car burglar, but if I
were, I'd certainly not be hanging around for several
minutes in your car. You'd have to set your email client to
(typically) 1 minute checking at least, and this doesn't
give you enough response time to catch anyone.

IMO, you are better off with a motion-activated light or
siren outside, whichever you feel has an obtrusiveness level
appropriate to your surroundings (neighborhood).

If it's an alarm and you have neighbors, expect them to be
very aggrivated if your alarm is not fine-tuned enough to
ignore birds, bats, cats, etc - many creatures do roam at
night. If I had a neighbor whose alarm went off more than
twice in the middle of the night, I'd be calling the police
for disturbance of peace, against them.

Maybe a better question is, why is your car so prone to
being broken into? Is the area continually lit, and if so,
is it possible that actually increases the chances of your
car being broken into as it continually adverstises you have
a (nice?) car sitting there? How about finishing off the
carport, walling or bricking it off and adding a garage
door? I realize these are not so easy in theory as screwing
a webcam onto a nearby wall, but sometimes the easiest thing
to do isn't the best.

Yes Baby

Jed said:
I have had some recent problems with attempted break-ins into my car
which is located in a carport about 75 feet from my closest PC (a
laptop on a D-Link 802.11b/g router.

I'm looking for a reliable wireless webcam that will ideally send
email alerts when there is activity around the car (i.e. motion

Web searches aren't turning up much that gets a good review.

Anyone have any recommendations for a good wireless webcam with some
security features?

one thought,

position them adjacent to both car doors and as it says place 'old' carpet
over the top.

wire to a buzzer in your house...............or a remote flash as if a
picture had been taken.


Jed said:
I have had some recent problems with attempted break-ins into my car
which is located in a carport about 75 feet from my closest PC (a
laptop on a D-Link 802.11b/g router.

I'm looking for a reliable wireless webcam that will ideally send
email alerts when there is activity around the car (i.e. motion

Web searches aren't turning up much that gets a good review.

Anyone have any recommendations for a good wireless webcam with some
security features?

Responses to this point have been spineless.

Five words: Moat. Of. Burning. Diesel. Fuel.

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