SeeNoEvil said:
Please tell which desktop computer models of selected brands, or ASUS
motherboards support
INTEL CPU with Windows 98 drivers.
My favorite desktop brands are: Dell, HP, Lenovo.
The INTEL CPU should be 3 GHz or faster, or dual core at 2 GHz or faster.
It should supports at least 2 GB of RAM memory.
Small format factor, small footprint is definitively a big plus.
Due to the need to run a special audio PCI card having only Windows 98,
laptop computers may be out of consideration!
I did use the special audio PCI with a Toshiba laptop attached to a Toshiba
PCI extension box, but the Toshiba's LCD is at the end of its life!!!!
Very tempted to buy a used Dell laptop with PCI Dock, but afraid of soon
getting the same LCD problem.
If you know a Dell laptop model having PCI dock as fast as stated above,
please let me know (in desperate case).
Your help is MUCH APPRECIATED!!!!
The last motherboard I ran Win98 on, was an Asrock 4CoreDual-SATA2 R2.0.
I used an E4700 Core2 processor (dual core) with FSB800. That motherboard
used a VIA chipset, which is why it had drivers for Win98. VIA had
better support for the older OSes, than the competition. There
are a couple revisions of that board, and the R2.0 I got, has
a VT8237S Southbridge which supports SATA II properly. (I can't vouch
for the other revision.)
The problem now, is there are very few chipset choices. Intel controls
the market. I doubt anybody else, has a license to design chips to
work with the Intel processor. VIA still makes chips, just not for
desktop motherboards. My 4CoreDual-SATA2 R2.0 is no longer for sale
(and even if you could buy one, that motherboard has a few
significant irritations, which would take a whole post to address
- I use a hacked BIOS from Germany for example, to make it worthwhile).
Note that, when I ran my E4700 under Windows 98, only one
of the two cores of the processor was used. The second
core is ignored by that OS. Windows 98 doesn't have any MP type
support. At least, it wasn't apparent while I was using it.
The system felt very fast, even with one core. Win2K has multiple
core support.
I don't think VIA made any chipsets, that could run FSB1333 processors.
So processors like the E8400 or E8500 are out of the question. If
you use one of those, in a VIA board, it'll have to run at a reduced
FSB speed (FSB800, or FSB1066 when overclocking). So you won't get
to 3GHz that way.
The E7600 processor, became available after I bought my E4700. But
it has FSB1066, and my motherboard just wasn't as stable at that
speed. It was rock solid at FSB800. (Even more stable than my
previous DDR memory based motherboards.)
In my example above, Device Manager was "clean". All entries in
Device Manager worked, no yellow marks that I can remember.
There is another approach. Your Device Manager won't be "clean".
But, the system may work anyway. It uses the following observations.
1) Intel chipsets are designed to certain standards. The
pci.sys file the OS has, likely runs on even modern pieces
of hardware. So certain things that would normally
be show-stoppers, work anyway. It's because of standards,
and a bit of backward compatibility here and there.
2) Intel Southbridges have a "Compatible" mode. You check the user
manual for the motherboard, to make sure that option is still
available. Windows 98 has a driver, that works with "Compatible" mode.
Now, modern motherboards could have AGP or PCI Express slots.
Windows 98 probably doesn't know anything about PCI Express
(even though, from a software perspective, aspects of
PCI Express look like PCI). If we go for AGP, then we'd need
to check that there's drivers for it.
If I had to do what you're doing, I would try for:
1) Motherboard with lots of PCI slots.
2) Video card with PCI interface. The video card would be slow
for gaming, but good enough for Microsoft Office or the like.
When I tested my FX5200 PCI, if I moved a QuickTime movie
window around the screen, the window would "stutter". This is
a bandwidth restriction.
3) If the onboard NIC doesn't work, install a PCI NIC card.
Usually, NIC coverage is pretty good with respect to OSes.
4) If the onboard storage interfaces don't work, install
a PCI storage card with VIA chip on it.
If you cobble together enough PCI alternatives, and make
sure the items have a modicum of drivers, you may be able
to build a system for Win98 in spite of no support being
evident on the motherboard manufacturer's web page.
For example, for a video card. I can see the 6200 mentioned in here:
Look for "6-series" driver, for Win98, and you should see 81.98.
There are about half a dozen 6200 PCI cards on Newegg. This
one has a pretty low amount of video memory, if you want to
reduce the addressing needs of the video card.
On the storage front, if the motherboard storage didn't work
for some reason, I'd use one of these. This has a VIA VT6421
chip. Don't try to use the SATA ports with SATA III drives.
If using SATA, try to find a Seagate SATA II drive with the
Force150 jumper block on the back. SATA III drives probably
cannot be set slow enough, to run properly with this card.
(Note - VIA may have fixed this, but we can't be sure what
revision of chip is on the Startech card.) IDE shouldn't
be a problem. (You can still get some IDE ribbon cable drives.)
"OS Compatibility Windows 98SE/ ME/ NT 4.0/ 2000/ XP (32/64-bit)/
Vista (32/64-bit)/ 7 (32/64-bit)/ 8 (32/64-bit)
For the motherboard, we need something with lots of PCI slots.
Here's an LGA1155 with six PCI slots (note - this is just the
first one I laid eyes on - spend some time reviewing available info!).
OK, so what could go wrong there ? It has support for the GPU inside
the Intel processor. There won't be a Win98 driver for that. We'd be
relying on the motherboard to switch to the PCI video card, our 6200,
in order to be able to later install the 81.98 driver and get a decent
screen size (bigger than 800x600). If the "Compatible" storage
didn't work out, we'd pop in the storage card with the VIA chip
and BIOS chip with Extended INT 0x13 support, so we could boot.
And if the NIC didn't work (it should), we'd pop in a PCI NIC
that has Win98 drivers (NICs are pretty good that way). Some
motherboard NIC chips would be on the PCI Express bus, and we
can't be sure Win98 will do everything properly there to get
to the NIC.
(Page 33, compatible mode. Initial Graphics Adapter page 30, not
enough detail.)
This approach is a huge gamble (could you tell

). You'll waste
time and money, trying to achieve this objective, because
nobody on the selling end, wants to help you do this (run
Win98). There are no "easy selectors" that say "must run Win98".
But you knew that already.
When installing Win98, there's a trick. My Asrock board had 2GB of
RAM installed. Win98 only "likes" 512MB. You start the Win98
install. When the installer does the first reboot, you flip in a
Linux LiveCD and edit the system.ini file. Limit the VCACHE, and
set the MAX_PHYS_PAGE thing. The MAX_PHYS_PAGE thing makes Windows 98
ignore the "excess" RAM. Then, when you shut down Linux, and reboot and
allow the Win98 installation to continue, Win98 doesn't freak out when
it sees gobs of RAM. The parameter in system.ini makes Win98
feel all warm and fuzzy. That's how I got around the "RAM problem"
on my system.
system.ini ...
MaxFileCache=524288 (or a lesser number if you want, number is decimal)
MaxPhysPage=20000 (limits physical RAM reported to Win98 to 512MB)
I installed Win98 on that system as a joke. Just to see if it could be
done. I even used the original 4GB hard drive, the same one the PC
used that had the copy of Win98 originally

I was surprised when
it turned out I could find drivers for everything. I have several
crusty FX5200 video cards, and that's how I got a working video solution.
The 6200 is one notch better than my cards, and still has driver
support from Nvidia.
As long as you have a ton of money to waste, eventually
you'll get it working.
Just a guess,