JustAnotherGuy said:
Are you guys just playing the devil's advocate here?
No, not at all. I just personally feel Notepad is the best option.
Listen, most posters to this NG are at least slightly tech-inclined. We
can look within those curly braces and figure out what's going on.
I completely agree. I've personally come accross several thousand people
that make even myself look like the proverbial "newbie", and am proud to
have come accross them, but at the same time am proud to admit that I've
taken the time to teach myself everything that I do actually know (if that
makes sense?).
I have a writer friend (ok, not WRITER, but teenage writer--you know,
one of those people who have to put their wannabe poetry on the web). It
took her THREE YEARS to learn basic HTML, and she's paranoid about
touching CSS despite my assertions that it makes life much, much easier.
Some people just can't learn to code, you know. Honestly: they can't put
the energy it requires for them to think outside their personal forte.
Telling them to learn HTML or not make sites is terribly elitist. Heck,
I'm sure you realise that the majority of computer users don't know how
to optimize their word-processed documents or make them look
professional, but you won't tell them to not try producing documents
until they know how to, would you?
I think I've been mis-construed here. I didn't mean for people to NOT build
website's if they didn't want to, or couldn't, learn HTML, CSS or whatever,
but instead, I meant, if cases such as this, it would be far easier to use a
template from one of the online hosts than to use a program that will do
everything for them (atleast using the online templates, they could say "I
did this" instead of, for example "DreamWeaver did this"......)
I am always, and will always, be for those that wish to become, or are
already, web dev's, and shall always help where needed, however, I don't see
the point in helping those that don't seem willing to help themselves (as an
example, just a couple of days ago, I got asked if I would insert some code
into a friends website, so it give a directory listing pragmatically. This
person couldn't even be bothered to ask "is there any code for......<yada
yada>" or "can you help me....<yada yada" and instead, wanted someone else
to do the work for him).
Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group
Keeping it FREE!
I know I'm probably wrong, I just like taking part ;o)