Recomended Starting Point



Good day,

We are at the beginning stages of developing a new product which is
essentially a cutomized web application, where users will purchase access and
log into our site to use the application.

Is there a specific framework or starting point anyone could suggest for us
to begin with? Or is it advisable to start from scratch, if we want to build
an entirely customized product?

I've looked at DotNetNuke quickly, and we likely don't need many of the
features it ofters, and our application will be very specific and primarily
be based on our own custom code and interfaces.

We would like to move to ASP.Net 2.0 using C#, once the new Visual Studio is
released. Maybe that is our best starting point? Anyone have any advice.




Sounds like you would be a prime candidate to start with 2.0.
It's "officially" out on Nov 7th(ish).... but the last beta should be enough
to get you started till then

Scott Allen

Hey Brent,

It's hard to recommend a specific product without really evaluating
the requirements, but the good news is 2.0 comes with so many features
(membership, personalization, master pages) that required large
portions of code or third party libs. Go with 2.0 and you'll be ahead
of the game.

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