I have one Workbook that has a unique problem. When I attempt to access it from code in a module with the name of the sheet or "Sheet1", I get a <subscript out of range> error. I can access when I use the number (provided it is the first sheet). All the other worksheets in the workbook can be accessed by name
The code is
With Worksheets("Sheet1") ' return <subscript out of range> erro
With Worksheets(1) ' work
NOTE: This same worksheet will not run a function attached to that sheet or from a module
Is there some switch that needs to be changed
The code is
With Worksheets("Sheet1") ' return <subscript out of range> erro
With Worksheets(1) ' work
NOTE: This same worksheet will not run a function attached to that sheet or from a module
Is there some switch that needs to be changed