Recently Changed Folder

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Does anyone know how to empty the "C:\Users\your_name\Searches\Recently
Changed" folder. If you simply delete the files get deleted altogether, but
still remain in the recently changed folder.

I did un-tick the "save int temp folder" in the start menu privcay tab.

any ideas?
Recently Changed isn't a folder. It's a search. When you open it it lists
recently changed items. So what you're seeing is search results, not an
actual folder that contains files. Anything you do in Recently Changed you
do to the original file, because each icon in Recently Changed is the
original file. You can't delete items from the search results independent of
the original items.
P.S. I couldn't get any items that I deleted through Recently Changed or
elsewhere to show up in those Search Results. So I don't know what's going
on with that.

I don't know if this is related. But if you want to empty out the Recent
Items item in the Start menu, you can just right-click that menu item and
choose Clear Recent Items List.
Hey there,

I also have a file which i cannot delete permanently. I accepted the file by
mistake in a transfer in an instant messaging chat. I deleted file from
"recently changed" and deleted the same file from "recycle bin". Although I
cannot open the file in "recently changed" as it states it has been deleted.
The file still remains in the list and the icon shows the picture content
which is visible.

How can I delete the file permantently from "recently changed" so it is no
longer shown in the list and no longer on my laptop. Dell advised me to
restore my laptop back to factory settings, but surely there is a much
simpler and quicker way rather than restoring.

I have already deleted the file from "recent items", but I want permanently
deleted from "recently changed" so it is not listed".

Please help......thanks
