Windows XP Recent Documents Not working

Aug 10, 2007
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I have done the following; Right clicked and checked List my most recent documents. Still does not work. Also, told to go the registry, and look in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionpolicies and found nothing listed about recent documents. Can someone help me??? On the recent documents in the start menu, it is always empty.

ladyharley said:
I have done the following; Right clicked and checked List my most recent documents. Still does not work. Also, told to go the registry, and look in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionpolicies and found nothing listed about recent documents. Can someone help me??? On the recent documents in the start menu, it is always empty.


Dear ladyharley:

Several months have elapsed since your inquiry, so am wondering if you've found a solution to your problem. The same thing happened to me recently, likely caused by Lenovo security software. Your user account has lost control of the "My Recent Documents" folder. Here's info from Microsoft on taking ownership of a folder/file

I'm not a techie, but followed a slightly different procedure, which seems to have worked permanently:
1) Via Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Recent
where [username] is your user account (the account must have administrator privileges)
2) Right click on the "Recent" folder and select "Properties" from the pop-up list
3) In the Properties dialog box, click the "Security" tab
4) If you don't see username in "Group or user names" you'll need to add it by clicking the "Add" button
5) In the ensuing "Select Users or Groups" dialog box, type your user name exactly as identified by the system, and then click the "Check Names" button to the right. The OS software hopefully will hopefully return "computername\username" in the pane where you'd typed your username
6) Then click "OK," and you should see your username along with SYSTEM under "Group or user names"
7) Select your username. Then, in the "Permissions" pane, check the box "Allow, Full Control" and "OK"

This should alleviate your problem. Others have questioned why any user would want to control this folder, but without control, several important utility functions are lost via Open and Save dialogs.

Best wishes,
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