Windows XP Recent Boot Problems XP

Jan 17, 2007
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It has been a LONG time since I have posted on these forums!!! Anyway, I was wondering if any one has run into this problem I've been seeing recently or if this is just a fluke.

Lately we have had three pc's come into the shop this weekend with the same problem, and the only thing that seems to work is either a repair installation or backing up documents and files to do a full Re-installation.

We opt for the data backup and full reinstallation to ensure everything is %100 OK.

Anyway the problem is this, everytime you start windows it gives you the boot list just like it would if you shutdown the pc while windows was trying to load. Safe mode loads the boot files very extremely slowly and restarts halfway through, normal startup gives you the white loading bar while still displaying the boot choice menu (which I have never seen before!) then resets itself. Last known Good Configuration hangs and reboots.

Running chkdsk /r in the recovery console does nothing to fix the problems.

I wish I could upload a video to show all three pc's doing the EXACT same thing because even though I have seen problems like this plenty of times before it has never been QUITE like this before, and to have 3 pc's from different people doing the EXACT same thing seems suspicious to me.
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Hardware specs ? all running XP ? any common Software ?

I know what you mean, to a point, usually pointing to a hardware failure, but as you are also aware, can be Windows wanting a break.

Try uploading the vid to one of them free vid sites ... I would like a peek. :thumb:
