The connection to the server has failed.
Account: 'incoming.verizion.net',
Server: 'outgoing.verizion.net', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25,
Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number:
When i try to send email in outlook express i get the
following message. Can anyone tell me what do this mean?
i contacted my isp and they help me configure the setting
and said that the problem was with outlook express 6.
Please help me. i have windows 2000 profressional
Account: 'incoming.verizion.net',
Server: 'outgoing.verizion.net', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25,
Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number:
When i try to send email in outlook express i get the
following message. Can anyone tell me what do this mean?
i contacted my isp and they help me configure the setting
and said that the problem was with outlook express 6.
Please help me. i have windows 2000 profressional