Receiving Mail automatically



Is there a way to just receive your mail automatically instead of clicking on
"receive all" tab all the time? And also, can we be alerted when we have new
mail? Like a sound of a bell or the windows mail tab blinking when it's

Gary VanderMolen

Go to Tools, Options, enable "Play sound when new messages arrive"
and enable "Check for new messages every X minutes". The checking
interval should not be less than 5 minutes.


Hey, thanks! It worked!
Gary VanderMolen said:
Go to Tools, Options, enable "Play sound when new messages arrive"
and enable "Check for new messages every X minutes". The checking
interval should not be less than 5 minutes.


Thanks for the info question.. why can't the interval be less
than 5 minutes?

Steve Cochran

You can go less than five minutes but there is time involved with sending
and receiving and you might get caught in a loop if you make the interval
too short.



ok. Thanks!!

Steve Cochran said:
You can go less than five minutes but there is time involved with sending
and receiving and you might get caught in a loop if you make the interval
too short.


Sam Hobbs

There is probably nothing saying it cannot be less than 5 minutes but it is
seldom necessary to check email so frequently, especially not by default. If
everyone set their email software to check email frequently then the servers
could get too busy.

If you need instant notification of something, there are many other options.
I hear a lot of talk about twitter; someone is paying a lot for the
publicity. There are other instant messengers. They are all designed for
instant notification.

Gary VanderMolen

The mail server has to do a certain amount of cleanup chores after
a mailbox on the server has been accessed. If you attempt to check mail
again while the mailbox on the server is being serviced, it will tend to
'hang' the account, which will take a while to get reset.


Makes sense.....thanks a bunch!

Sam Hobbs said:
There is probably nothing saying it cannot be less than 5 minutes but it is
seldom necessary to check email so frequently, especially not by default. If
everyone set their email software to check email frequently then the servers
could get too busy.

If you need instant notification of something, there are many other options.
I hear a lot of talk about twitter; someone is paying a lot for the
publicity. There are other instant messengers. They are all designed for
instant notification.


Learning alot here....thanks Gary!

Gary VanderMolen said:
The mail server has to do a certain amount of cleanup chores after
a mailbox on the server has been accessed. If you attempt to check mail
again while the mailbox on the server is being serviced, it will tend to
'hang' the account, which will take a while to get reset.


I'll check it out...thanks Vista!

VistaRookie said:
If you want something to check your emails, Pop Peeper
sits in your system tray and works whether WM is open
or not. You can also track emails from webmail. It can
alert you with sound and visual.

'POP Peeper - Email Notification' (


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