PSP8 = Paint Shop Pro8. Yes, an email message will be stored along with
its attachments until its d/l'd which may be a day, 2 weeks.... There
are other methods of sending larger files but are not anything like as
convenient as email.
I would bet most email users aren't aware of attachment size limits
until they have problems. What I'm saying is that the limitations of
email attachment size wasn't really that much of an issue with dialup
but with B/B becoming the norm, it would be nice if technology caught
up. I don't know the max sizes of files transferred via instant
messaging or P2P s/w as I use neither. It strikes me as odd that people
resort to mailing a CD to someone with say 20MB of files on it.
"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
Sorry, I'm not following - don't know what PSP8 is. And re other file types,
there are plenty of other web upload options out there.
E-mail was just not designed for file transfer....and if ISPs are limiting
size, I don't see what you can do.
Files e-mailed are not stored on any mail server once they're downloaded by
the recipient, btw.