receive https post (

  • Thread starter Thread starter Amoril
  • Start date Start date


I am currently developing an app that will post an XML file ­(1 to
100MB+ in size) to an outside vendor application via HTTPS P­ost
this in a windows app). The vendor will then at some ­later
post an updated return XML file to my webserver ( T­he
problem I'm having is getting the posted stream to load in a­n
XMLDocument object. When trying to read the posted stream in­to the
XMLDocument the following error is kicked back from my webse­rver
by the vendor), "The remote server returned an error: (500) ­Internal
Server Error." At minimum I want to make sure that the XML t­hey're
posting to me is well-formed so I don't need to load it into­ an
XMLDocument object if there's another way to do it.

Also they're expecting to post their info to me via HTTPS, h­ow can I
set up my page so it's looking for credentials to be passed ­along
the XML stream? I see how to send credentials to them using
System.Net.NetworkCredential, but I don't see how accept cre­dentials
from the vendor when they post to me.

Code used to accept HTTP post from Vendor:

Dim str As Stream
Dim strmContent As String
Dim strLen As Integer
Dim strRead As Integer

'Request input stream from the poster
str = Request.InputStream

'Get the length of incoming string
strLen = str.Length

'make a Byte array the size of the stream
Dim strArr(strLen) As Byte

'read the stream into the array
strRead = str.Read(strArr, 0, strLen)

'the stream will be ASCII encoded
Dim ascii As ASCIIEncoding = New ASCIIEncoding

'Get ASCII into reg. string here
strmContent = ascii.GetString(strArr)

Dim doc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument

'Return Response to poster.
Response.Write("some response")

Any suggestions on what I can do to fix this or possible res­ources
might help me out?
