I am trying to design a db for receipes with tables for
Source,Receipes,Ingredients etc. My problems is that some receipes have sub
receipes(can have more than 2). Take Apple Pie it would have ingredients of
Apples and Shortcut Pastry(which is a receipe in its self) so would Shortcut
Pastry go in the table of Receipes and would i need a link table that refers
back to table Receipes. Or a sub table with link to Ingredients. any help
will be gratfully received. Michael G
Source,Receipes,Ingredients etc. My problems is that some receipes have sub
receipes(can have more than 2). Take Apple Pie it would have ingredients of
Apples and Shortcut Pastry(which is a receipe in its self) so would Shortcut
Pastry go in the table of Receipes and would i need a link table that refers
back to table Receipes. Or a sub table with link to Ingredients. any help
will be gratfully received. Michael G