I have not encountered the problem of losing passwords using Disk
CleanUp. I do get this problem using cCleaner, which does a more
thorough job than Disk CleanUp. If you use cCleaner you need to keep a
separate note of passwords.
Within Internet Explorer there are three ways to maintain some control
over the numbers of temporary files retained.
Ian has mentioned one. If you select Tools, Browsing History you will
see various options. Two you would not want to use are Delete Passwords
and Delete All. These are accessible also by selecting Tools, Internet
Options, General tab, Browsing History. This method needs more effort
than simply remembering to run Disk CleanUp or cCleaner. It also misses
out on cleaning other temporary files.
In Internet Explorer select Tools, Internet Options, Advanced tab,
scroll down and under Security you will see "Empty Temporary Internet
folder folder when Browser is closed". If checked this is a one off
exercise and therefore simple to operate. Disadvantage is if you like to
refer to History. You can of course increase your use of Favourites to
In Internet Explorer select Tools, Internet Options, General tab,
Browsing History, History and enter the number of days you wish to hold
History. Mine is set to 4 days.
My preference is to use cCleaner.
An alternative to Disk CleanUp is cCleaner (freeware) which does a more
thorough job than Disk CleanUp. Disk CleanUp has to be run for each user
profile, whereas cCleaner only needs to be run once.
With any cleaner you need to proceed with caution. To be safe you
should create a restore point before using cCleaner. cCleaner also
offers backup before removal.
When using cCleaner think twice before checking Autocomplete Form
History under Internet Explorer. You do get a warning but this one has
irritating consequences. You may need to restore your system's
recollection of passwords after use so keep a record off computer so
that they can easily be re-entered.
Leave the Scan for Issues option alone.
cCleaner does not remove restore points. You need to use Disk CleanUp
for this. Select Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Disk
CleanUp, More Options, System Restore and remove all but the latest
System Restore point.
Hope this helps.
Stourport, England
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