I have a form with 200+ togglebuttons. This form
represents a circuit card and the toggle buttons
represent electrical points (pins in a connector). When I
click any two togglebuttons (say #1 and #99), code
manipulates a table to show that Pin#1 is now associated
with Pin#99 and Pin#99 is now associated with Pin#1 - the
two pins are connected to each other.
When I reopen the form, the state of the toggle buttons
are all at default (false). I would like some suggestions
on efficient ways to open the form with the togglebutton
matched-pairs information retained. The togglebuttons are
all 'unbound' controls.
I thought about a table to save the state of the form,
but tables have a limitation of 255 columns and I am just
over this. I could create a multistep query, then use a
for...each loop and set each .value and .caption but the
load time for the form turns into several seconds. I
thought about saving some information in the tag for each
togglebutton, but this form also has a combo box that
lets you choose different versions of the circuit card,
each version needing to load a new "saved state". The tag
idea would only accomodate one version.
Thanks for your help.
represents a circuit card and the toggle buttons
represent electrical points (pins in a connector). When I
click any two togglebuttons (say #1 and #99), code
manipulates a table to show that Pin#1 is now associated
with Pin#99 and Pin#99 is now associated with Pin#1 - the
two pins are connected to each other.
When I reopen the form, the state of the toggle buttons
are all at default (false). I would like some suggestions
on efficient ways to open the form with the togglebutton
matched-pairs information retained. The togglebuttons are
all 'unbound' controls.
I thought about a table to save the state of the form,
but tables have a limitation of 255 columns and I am just
over this. I could create a multistep query, then use a
for...each loop and set each .value and .caption but the
load time for the form turns into several seconds. I
thought about saving some information in the tag for each
togglebutton, but this form also has a combo box that
lets you choose different versions of the circuit card,
each version needing to load a new "saved state". The tag
idea would only accomodate one version.
Thanks for your help.