Rebuilt Saturday, died Wednesday, can't reinstall XP

  • Thread starter Thread starter AnnieK
  • Start date Start date


Hello all.

I built my machine in 1998 and have been upgrading bits and pieces
ever since. As of last March I had and ASUS kt7 motherboard (can't
remember exact model), a duron 950 mhz processor, 128mb ram, and a
4-gig hard drive (don't laugh). In March I formatted the hard drive
and did a full install of XP Home (OEM). Everything worked
beautifully until a few weeks ago when my hard drive got too full.

This past Saturday I put in a new 120gig WD hard drive, an additional
128mb of ram (exact model I already had), and a network card. I
installed the same OEM XP Home with no problem, then tons of
additional software and I was a happy camper until Tuesday.

Tuesday night my Palm suffered a fatal exception during a sync. I
should have known something was wrong then. By Wednesday afternoon
the PC started running painfully slowly and finally got to the point
where I couldn't reboot at all (each time it would get less far until
I was finally only getting a blue screen). I decided to cut my losses
and reinstall XP (had a power interuption downloading service packs on
Saturday and thought maybe that was related).

I put in the CD, got into the process, and got a message that a file
was corrupted and setup couldn't continue. I cleaned the CD and tried
again. Got past that point, past the formatting, then a file couldn't
be copied about 50% into the file copy process. Asked me if I wanted
to skip or exit setup. I stopped, cleaned the CD again, blew out the
CD drive with canned air and started the install. This time I got
about 75% through copying files when a different file couldn't be
copied. I have repeated this process 2 or 3 more times and gotten to
this same point.

I have tried making sure the new hardware is in properly, cables
firmly connected, etc. but still no luck. I even used the disk that
came with the hard drive to re-partition and reformat (ntfs) before
trying to install and still can't get any further than 75% through the
file copy. Any thoughts?

I've seen this exact same scenario several times, and each time the RAM was
the culprit :-)