This is a f/u to my post yesterday - I'm still locked out
of our server and need direction re: what to do.
As stated, I'm locked out of my server. I can access the
server information using the administrator password that
I've always used, but it's not letting me back into the
server computer itself. It keeps telling me the password
is wrong even though I haven't changed it. I've tried
upper case, lower case, everything using the password.
It's now becoming an emergency since I have a new person
starting on Monday and need to get into the server
computer to add the user info.
Question: Does the lock function sometimes get stuck? It
hasn't before, and I've always been able to unlock the
computer using this password. I have had 2 things happen
recently: 1) my old IT person told me he wasn't making
enough $$ on us, so I either needed to pay a yearly
contract fee (+$100/hour for any actual work) or use
someone else. We have 3 people and don't have that kind of
money, so I went w/someone else. 2) the someone else came
in once. As far as I know, he just disabled the accounts,
which were administrator accounts, for the old IT guy, and
a former employee. Several days later, I realized I hadn't
locked the computer so my employees now can't access, and
once I did, I haven't been able to get back into it.
Please help! Can/should I reboot the server since the
administrative password works to access folders on the
server from other computers? Or will this change any
settings that computer guy #2 may have done and
permanently lock me out? For the record, computer guy #2
says I must have changed the password, which I didn't. I
think the fact that I can access the folders on the server
using this same password confirms that, but who cares...I
just need to get back into it!
We use Windows 2000 and MS SBS 2000 for the server. Thanks
for any help!!
This is a f/u to my post yesterday - I'm still locked out
of our server and need direction re: what to do.
As stated, I'm locked out of my server. I can access the
server information using the administrator password that
I've always used, but it's not letting me back into the
server computer itself. It keeps telling me the password
is wrong even though I haven't changed it. I've tried
upper case, lower case, everything using the password.
It's now becoming an emergency since I have a new person
starting on Monday and need to get into the server
computer to add the user info.
Question: Does the lock function sometimes get stuck? It
hasn't before, and I've always been able to unlock the
computer using this password. I have had 2 things happen
recently: 1) my old IT person told me he wasn't making
enough $$ on us, so I either needed to pay a yearly
contract fee (+$100/hour for any actual work) or use
someone else. We have 3 people and don't have that kind of
money, so I went w/someone else. 2) the someone else came
in once. As far as I know, he just disabled the accounts,
which were administrator accounts, for the old IT guy, and
a former employee. Several days later, I realized I hadn't
locked the computer so my employees now can't access, and
once I did, I haven't been able to get back into it.
Please help! Can/should I reboot the server since the
administrative password works to access folders on the
server from other computers? Or will this change any
settings that computer guy #2 may have done and
permanently lock me out? For the record, computer guy #2
says I must have changed the password, which I didn't. I
think the fact that I can access the folders on the server
using this same password confirms that, but who cares...I
just need to get back into it!
We use Windows 2000 and MS SBS 2000 for the server. Thanks
for any help!!