reboot problem



After a power outage my system goes into a continued
reboot and I cannot get the system up- microsoft says to
put in a service pack upgrade to fix the problem, but I
cannot get my system up to do this-- any advice?

Imayavaramban R

Hi Steve,

You have mentioned that the system keeps rebooting after the power outage.

First of all, does it reboot during POST or is it during the boot up
process of Windows ??

And does it report you any error messages ?

You can try the 'Last Known Good Configuration' (LKGC) but there is very
little chance that it may work as you would have restarted the system
multiple times.
(This is achieved by pressing F8 during the initial boot-up process and
choosing LKGC).

However if it reboots while loading Windows, the best suggestion would be
to run a repair through the recovery console.

To know more about 'repair', please go through
mode.asp and the document that is available on the page.

To put it in a nutshell, boot to the recovery console (refer the document)
and type CHKDSK /r to do a repair.

Feel free to revert back in case you need addtional information or if this
doesn't work.

Thanks and Regards,
(Imay) Imayavaramban R

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