1. UAP. User account protection. This annoying feature will have you
answering yes or no questions endlessly until you put it out of it's misery
in user accounts. (Turn it off for God's sake). The bad news, then, is that
UAP is a sad, sad joke. It's the most annoying feature that Microsoft has
ever added to any software product, and yes, that includes that ridiculous
Clippy character from older Office versions.
2. The 'Aero Look'. Another annoying feature. Why? Every single time I open
a program Vista informs me that it is switching to basic windows. The screen
'pops'. This is very disturbing. (I have tested this since it was named
3. Vista requires roughly 3 times the RAM that XP uses to do the same thing.
Unless your PC is at least 3 GHz with 2 Gigs of RAM it'll move like molasses
in the wintertime.
4. The price. WHY is it so over priced? The upgrade to Vista Ultimate alone
is listed at Amazon.com for $259.00.
5. No access to basic windows files. I am locked out of folders like 'My
Documents'. Microsoft has decided that the average User is too stupid to
allow access to certain “Windows†files. This is insulting. I am offended. I
know security is an issue and all, but locking a person out of their own
document files is not the answer. The User is locked into a Roaming profile,
thus they are disallowed access.
6. Broken promises
Windows Vista was going to include a completely rewritten file system, based
on SQL Server and once called Storage+. Later renamed to WinFS, this file
system was downgraded to a "storage engine," meaning that it would, in fact,
run on top of the decades-old NTFS file system. Then WinFS was stripped out
of Windows Vista because the performance was so horrible.
7. The pain of migration. And why not just stay with Windows Xp? At least
all of my programs work. Think: what big advantage are you getting? Security?
I don't know...with a good Firewall and anti-virus you're all set.
8. EULA. The EULA on a retail copy now states that VISTA can only be
activated twice. If I decide to build a new PC a third time, Microsoft in
effect is telling me to shell out another $400.00 for Vista Premium. My
original disc becomes a very expensive coaster. XP (and all previous
WINDOWS) allowed a retail copy to be moved as many times as you wished. I
like to upgrade to the latest hardware. In the five years I have owned my
retail XP, I have gone from the original P3 ïƒ P4 2gHz* ïƒ P4 3gHz ïƒ P4 3.2gHz*
ïƒ dual Xeon 2.4gHz* ïƒ dual Xeon 2.8gHz ïƒ dual Xeon 3.2gHz* ïƒ dual Xeon 3.4gHz
(64bit)*. (* are new motherboards too.) That’s 8 different processors and 6
motherboards. Oh and several new hard drives along the way as well. With
Vista, I would be stuck at the P4 2gHz.
This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.
answering yes or no questions endlessly until you put it out of it's misery
in user accounts. (Turn it off for God's sake). The bad news, then, is that
UAP is a sad, sad joke. It's the most annoying feature that Microsoft has
ever added to any software product, and yes, that includes that ridiculous
Clippy character from older Office versions.
2. The 'Aero Look'. Another annoying feature. Why? Every single time I open
a program Vista informs me that it is switching to basic windows. The screen
'pops'. This is very disturbing. (I have tested this since it was named
3. Vista requires roughly 3 times the RAM that XP uses to do the same thing.
Unless your PC is at least 3 GHz with 2 Gigs of RAM it'll move like molasses
in the wintertime.
4. The price. WHY is it so over priced? The upgrade to Vista Ultimate alone
is listed at Amazon.com for $259.00.
5. No access to basic windows files. I am locked out of folders like 'My
Documents'. Microsoft has decided that the average User is too stupid to
allow access to certain “Windows†files. This is insulting. I am offended. I
know security is an issue and all, but locking a person out of their own
document files is not the answer. The User is locked into a Roaming profile,
thus they are disallowed access.
6. Broken promises
Windows Vista was going to include a completely rewritten file system, based
on SQL Server and once called Storage+. Later renamed to WinFS, this file
system was downgraded to a "storage engine," meaning that it would, in fact,
run on top of the decades-old NTFS file system. Then WinFS was stripped out
of Windows Vista because the performance was so horrible.
7. The pain of migration. And why not just stay with Windows Xp? At least
all of my programs work. Think: what big advantage are you getting? Security?
I don't know...with a good Firewall and anti-virus you're all set.
8. EULA. The EULA on a retail copy now states that VISTA can only be
activated twice. If I decide to build a new PC a third time, Microsoft in
effect is telling me to shell out another $400.00 for Vista Premium. My
original disc becomes a very expensive coaster. XP (and all previous
WINDOWS) allowed a retail copy to be moved as many times as you wished. I
like to upgrade to the latest hardware. In the five years I have owned my
retail XP, I have gone from the original P3 ïƒ P4 2gHz* ïƒ P4 3gHz ïƒ P4 3.2gHz*
ïƒ dual Xeon 2.4gHz* ïƒ dual Xeon 2.8gHz ïƒ dual Xeon 3.2gHz* ïƒ dual Xeon 3.4gHz
(64bit)*. (* are new motherboards too.) That’s 8 different processors and 6
motherboards. Oh and several new hard drives along the way as well. With
Vista, I would be stuck at the P4 2gHz.
This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.