You've all questions that are close to my heart
(SIGH) !!
BTW, what do u mean by "Deliver to the family"?
Now to your questions - gonna type terse - hands hurt - been playing piano
all night long
1. What is Remoting in comparison to COM/DCOM/COM+
COM is COM - DCOM is COM over a longer wire.
a) Security
b) Performance
c) Lesser bugs
d) Easier deployment
e) Better tools
f) No registry registration blah blah
g) Multiple side by side versions (though this might be lost in longhorn ..
but hey wtf).(Not to mention longhorn is wayyyyyyyyyyy out there, so it
might change).
So let us compare DCOM with Remoting since that is a fairer comparison.
DCOM was UGLY. It was a pain to setup. Remoting is an extremely extensible
and much easier to comprehend paradigm. Ingo Rammer is IMHO the remoting
dude whose book u wanna buy. (You can search my blog for the exact book I'm
talking about).
The easiest description I can give of remoting without getting incorrect is
"Text based invocation over the wire - that allows easy statefulness on the
server, as well as statelessness - including sending events back in a manner
very very transparent as if it were all in one process". Now forget that
definition or it'll confuse you when you read Ingo's book. But it sums up
the difference - not to mention Remoting is .NET's flavor of DCOM - only
much better.
2. How can i process distributed messages and transactions. Why it's
better then on Win32 platform.
It's not. Distributed Messages and Transactions are still based on MSMQ and
MSDTC/MTS. What makes it better though is - it's all in .NET now, and .NET
2.0 actually has a System.Transactions namespace. Programming anything in
..NET is SO MUCH easier than old fashioned C++/ATL was.
3. Is ADO.NET better then ADO or ODBC. Why?
Yes. It supports a whole disconnected paradigm - which once you get used to,
you'll wonder how you ever got along without. Plus it's object model is much
better, and it has native data providers (no more OleDb for everything).
4. How i can manage legacy applications in NET.
Win32 apps can be easily called using DllExport and COM can be Interop'ed.
Remember this - most 8 bit DOS apps will run on 64 bit longhorn, with MS you
don't need to worry about application portability.
- Sahil Malik